Raid cinematic is out

She had just finished being on the receiving end of a PC-delivered butt-kicking and finally realized which side is the winning one


Hopefully Zovaal is paying attention and when we inevitably beat him up he does the same heel-face turn

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It does matter in a large context. It’s the difference between instigating the super-hell breakout or just playing a part in it.

If she truly believed the Jailer meant well/better for everyone involved considering how screwed up the Arbiter system is, a short-term negative in exchange for a long-term positive isn’t something that’s out of the question for the character.

Waging war on Azeroth to throw a few thousand souls into the Maw for a better afterlife for everyone born after could achieve a net-positive in one’s mind. Pragmatism is one of the key personality traits Sylvanas retained her entire existence.

The problem as shown in the cinematic is that the Maw as a means to an end isn’t just the means, but the end entirely.

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In terms of the moral weight of it, no, there is no difference. Her “evil” meter has reached 100% regardless of whether it was a trillion souls or a thousand. Comparing statistics at that point is completely and utterly meaningless.


Sylvanas’ story arc will be the epitome of this saying; “If you try to please everyone, you’ll end up pleasing no one.”

Gee whiz, imagine how much better Gul’dan’s story would have been if he’d suddenly realized that the demons were going to do what they were already doing.

Such a shocking revelation that would be for him. Almost as shocking as if N’zoth had stunned his own minions into revolt by promising to grow a bunch of eyes and tentacles. Or if the mogu had turned on Lei Shen because he wanted them to enslave the pandaren. Or if the naga deposed Azshara because she revealed her secret plan to live in the ocean.


Part of me wonders if this is the result of “if Forsaken players hate Calia, break glass”


I won’t say it’s impossible, but I think it would have been far less effort to just redirect leadership focus to Lilian Voss instead of potentially rewriting the main plot to accommodate anti-Calia sentiments.


Not to mention that it’s basically following the same beats as Calia anyway, which is as an avenue for a spiritual “cure” to undeath in order to make the Forsaken less of a giant narrative paradox.

On the other hand, maybe my Lightforged Undead Alliance Allied Race will be a thing now

He…just looks like the Lich King.

That’s…clearly not what happened though.

She only turned “good” when she realized he was gonna enslaver her like everyone else. She was only ever fighting for her own freedom.

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htis is teh best day ever

wetn for ice creme with dad atfer he finish work adn they had rnu out of satled caremel os i juts got regular caremel

but ty all 4 maknig it salted


I don’t know how you managed to make an unignorable forum alt but I admire your dedication to your craft

I’m probably being a nitpick and putting too much into a dumb MMO story but I’m not a fan of this split soul story beat. I liked that the undead were a little mentally dampened but trying to cope, and even if this is just limited to people personally stabbed by Frostmourne, I feel like it takes away some of the character’s agency for the horrible choices she was written to do.

Having the story hand out magic mind crystals to patch people up instead of going “this is who you are now, and you need to manage that” doesn’t appeal to me. But a lot of the main plot hasn’t been doing that for me for a long while so meh.


the devs are allergic to finishing the plot lines

Coward as Garrosh claimed? I mean, for all the :poop: the narrators threw at Garrosh, he had some good moments. Good enough to have an idea of what he could’ve been. Instead of what was turned into.

Being out of the story might be a good outcome given the current dev team.

That would imply that the blood elves / forsaken are somehow comparable in importance to Anduin. We can’t have that, kind sir.

arguably they’ll see something that was never in WoW.

I’d say - time to move the plotline.

As someone who liked the character pre-Cata - she was turned into a narrative tool IMO.

Think about the possibilities her story arc opens for Arthas inevitable re-appearance in Shadowlands.

gl hf

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Spoiler. While Sylvanas discovers the obvious, and Garrosh explains these truths to those around him … Gallywix is having dinner at a restaurant … in Tazavesh, the Broker city on the edge of Death’s realm. Alive and healthy.

The protagonist of all of Azeroth. Here.

So he doesn’t run the Trading Company?


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I’ve written a whole meta on how Arthas could come back in Shadowlands and it seems moot now because all of those ideas seemed better than what Blizzard delivered, which was nothing despite all the Arthas hype.

Can we take a moment to appreciate that the Youtube thumbnail for this cinematic has Sylvanas making the same expression as everyone else has while they watch the video


Powerslid onto a runeblade while wearing belly-bearing armor. What a genius!

What did you think of Garrosh’s ultimate fate?


he remindid me of gboldberg witch iz mye faverite wrestler

wen he jhumped itno teh air n kiled his torture man he rhymended me of warlord wich wsa my ferst xpancion

grom wuld be proud