Raid cinematic is out

having her soul restored didn’t change her personality, it just allowed her to feel the full extent of her emotions instead of just negative ones. her core persona is unchanged, she’s just less angry.

What does that even mean “have the ranger-general back” ?we never had the ranger-general. The Ranger-general is some fool that power slid into a rune blade.


Not to mention that if her having her soul back nullifies previous actions that she had freely taken, then she never had free will, which itself has serious implications as to how free willed the Forsaken as a whole are.

So I guess loyalists are happy that they’ve been loyal all this time to someone who was essentially a puppet?

Not uncomfortable enough to, you know, not do it. Nobody else seems to have a problem not doing evil things but Sylvanas for some reason just can’t help it I guess.


They won, they can un-make the horrible Arbiter afterlife system but Jailer shows he doesn’t really intend on changing his means.

We don’t have full context and it’s just presumption, but it seems like Sylvanas saw the ends justified the means but when she was on the precipice of victory then she realized the Jailer’s means are his ends.

He isn’t working for a better afterlife, he’s working to presumably rule everything so she turns against him.


So she’s still on the hook for all the bad things she did. That loyalists were loyal to for some reason even though she now presumably will regret taking the actions that the loyalists approved of.

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You know what? I bet the next cinematic we get with the compass and Anduin and Sylvanas ends up being Sylvanas didn’t go through with it and that the Jailer is the one that ultimately forced Anduin.

Which would mean canonically…since she failed to control Jaina’s brother…canonically Sylvanas has never actually mind controlled anyone.

Yeah she’s just sent trillions of souls to hell for her personal benefit


Personally I think that it’s really, really messed up that the experiences and suffering of all of Sylvanas’ victims never seems to ever, ever be a factor in some posters assessment of her actions. All that matters is performative lip service from her with respect to some kind of arbitrarily low moral standard that only she seems to consistently struggle to meet.


I didn’t know there was trillions of people on Azeroth to die in BfA.


It’s the nature of the medium. It’s the people who take it to the extreme and extrapolate real-world morality and suffering onto fictional characters that I find messed up.

It’s like hating the Joker or Cersei on some deep emotional level rather than appreciating them as characters.

I don’t understand it.


It wasn’t just Azeroth. It was literally every soul in the universe. She actively enabled a Thanos snap


He said the word “server” and then she realize he also meant her, so out of her usual self interest she turned on him. Yes she was that stupid to think he wasn’t going to enslave her as well.


The real issue here is that there is no reason for anyone to keep her alive beyond her telling them what she knows. As soon as she gives them the information they need what’s stopping Bolvar from caving her skull in?

And if she tries to barter the information for her life, I’m SURE there is some Venthyer tool to get it out of her, and then cave her skull in.

In short, the end result should be to cave her skull in.


when they consider her cosplaying Archimonde.

Why would Tyrande need Malfurion when she now can be with Sylvanas.

tbh, the only moment I liked in the cinematic is the voice transition for the Jailer when he got the sigil “… the key is once again mine”.

Would he be actually developed drust-ish looking creature, that could be something. But… not with these devs.

not only this, but according to the dev interview she had a hand in breaking the machinery of death, so she contributed to making this whole “sending to hell” possible to begin with. Source:

gl hf


Very few people try to convince everyone that those characters aren’t villains. You can appreciate villains as characters but if you appreciated Sylvanas as a villain you wouldn’t like this turn of events either.

You can try to write a development where the Joker gets “redeemed” and try to convince the audience that he was never really a villain but this will simultaneously ruin what everyone liked about the Joker and also make your audience hate you for perverting their moral compass.


Anyway I don’t think it really matters whether or not she was killed since we’re already in the afterlife. Hand her over to the Venthyr and forget about her. For God’s sake please let the story move past her.

And where’s the source on her breaking the death machine?

She didn’t like the cut of his jib. A Gal is allowed to change her mind.

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Someone linked the interview above. Not to mention that even if you’re totally correct you’re saying “oh no, she only sent millions or hundreds of thousands to Hell” which is a distinction that I would charitably call “academic.”


I was hoping he was the good guy, but that Zovaal…I’m starting to think he’s up to no good!