Raid Adjustments Discussion

Calling Vashj and KT “cutting edge” is silly. The bosses aren’t THAT difficult. This is honestly the first time since the release of classic that there has been the slightest bit of difficulty. Nerfs, if they come, shouldn’t come until P3.

The game is dying because smaller servers have very few raiding options and the prospects for recruitment are virtually non existent. It’s expensive to transfer your toons to another server so maybe people just stop playing until there are mergers, or more cost effective ways to transfer from a server with only less than 5 guilds clearing 10/10.


Yes, please nerf the content.


Instead of nerfing the content, can you just delete half the trash and/or move the graveyard closer and/or provide an NPC to teleport around the instances?

Just reduce the amount of time wasted between attempts on bosses and how much time it takes to get to said bosses.


It’s a waste of time explaining to those people about your logs though. Like that enhancement shaman above just demonstrated he knows how to look up logs like everyone else, but can’t understand English. Also, lots of people have no clue how healer logs work or raid logs work as a whole, even though they know how to read their DPS numbers. We simply can’t educate them on both English and Math when they failed their education.

Half an hour later and he’s still upset at getting called out?

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So if you are giving this another week, why the hell are we getting a longer maintenance than Retail?

You act like they had any professionalism in the last 3 years?

Honestly, this forum post is a prime example of why people are leaving wow in droves. I was an end game mythic raider for many years (cleared tbc on retail also) which included many pre nerf kills. The reason I bring this up is just to show that I have knowledge and experience well past what is required in Burning Crusade. That being said, just reading this forums shows how toxic the wow community is nowadays. Calling 8/10 guilds bad every other post is just stupid. I am currently in a 8/10 guild after retiring from retail and honestly, the only hard progression on tbc is beating the turn over boss. So many people join, get geared, then proceed to leave shortly after. Blizzard has a plethora of problems that might be well beyond repair but it is not all on them. Also, honestly I do not know how most individuals have time to do “real progress.” In retail tbc these two end bosses took months to down for many guilds. That was dedicating more than 2 raid nights more often than not in addition to 3-4 hours a night. Many people who grew up with wow like I did and came back to classic for nostalgia do not have the time to dedicate what they could before. Recruiting atm is a mess due to mass wow exodus for multiple reasons and I do not hold 8/10 in a “unskilled” standing, its rough out there atm. So all the people saying we got 10/10 this realm ranking prenerf, that is great for you, so the nerfs should not really bother you. I have never heard anyone complain about getting in and out of raider faster than expected. So for a lot of you pals on here,try to be less toxic and chill out lol. It is a game afterall.


It’s honestly wild. What did they do last week that required a what - 9 hour maintenance?

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You have that, its called retail.

Lol, just came back from a meeting and trying to save someone’s time. He is from the same server. Don’t let me distract you. Keep trying to convince others. It’s pretty entertaining to me what you say and I’m following you, lol.

you guys have no idea what you’re doing at this point lol.

Its like you just listed off a bunch of anecdotes as a response.

“you can take extra melee and be fine”
Take a look at warcraft logs and tell me what the average kill comp is for Vashj and KT. Bet its not 8+ melee…lol

“just put time into recruitment”.
very insightful for someone on benediction with 20k players. Thanks for that. Benediction is basically the twilight zone as far as server reality is concerned.

“dont need more than 6 hours a week”
Sure dont for farm. For prog guilds need more. The only guilds that dont need more (from the start) put in extensive testing on PTR/Private servers. Those same guilds are likely on private servers now testing Phase 3 raids. If you had any trouble with raiders not being able to show up for raid days or people quitting or burnout or whatever you need more time to make meaningful progress.


I believe they need to make these nerfs for TBC to survive without losing another 50% of the players.

Now lets talk the changes. Agreed with some others here. Vash nerfs don’t seem too impactful and just take out some of the frustration of the last phase. Vash is actually easier than KT by quite a bit already if you take out the RNG aspect of the last phase. No problems with these changes it will just make these fights more consistent.

Tidewalker adds nerf seems absurd. This fight isn’t that hard at all. If your DPS can’t AOE the adds and you don’t have a pally tank to pick them all up I don’t think you should get a free victory on this fight post nerf. I wouldn’t touch this fight.

KT nerfs seem too much. There’s two large bottlenecks on this fight, the weapon kill speed, and the phase 3 mini boss kill speed. Weapons seem fine, we kill them with 10-20 seconds left which means the DPS check isn’t that nuts. The mini-bosses I can see reducing the life by 10% which will make it so that all bosses are always dead before phase 4, even for lesser DPS guilds.

Reducing the phase 4-5 health by 33% also seems unnecessary. Phase 5 is a free win I’m not even sure how people wipe at that point if they know the mechanics. Phase 4 is annoying but requires proper kiting and communication on egg placement and kills. I guess a health nerf here is ok, but doesn’t seem needed.

Those are my thoughts, my guild hit 10/10 last night we never practiced on the PTR and we only raid 6 hours per week.

Dear Blizz,

Nerfing the end bosses now is not solving the problem.
Just like you set Arena weapons can only be purchased by the top arena players, Tier5 HELM and CHEST tokens should only be given to the guilds that cleared pre-nerfed Vashj/KT.

If you decide to make PVE Tier5 loot pinatas, why not set the same standard for Arena weapons too? Make current season Arena weapons accessible by even the lowest rank players?

There must be a differentiation of top guilds and bottom guilds of the current phase. Just like there is a differentiation of top arena players and bottom arena players of current season.

Stop listening to these players that just want an easy pass of the game.
Instead, look deeply into what is causing players to leave.
There should be multiple other reasons

COVID lockdowns are easing. More people are going back to office instead of working from home. More players are starting to have work commitments instead of raiding.
Or more players are going back to school instead.

TBC raids need 25 people. Even 1 player missing will cause problems. There will be guilds with not enough roster. So these guilds need to start communicating and merge.
Servers with low population have to be merged.

TBC raiding needs dedication and commitment. If casuals want to play, they should focus on content of previous phases when they are nerfed.

Attunements are part of TBC which make it unique. When phase3 launches, there will be players that cannot access Mount Hyjal right away. That is where nerfed Vashj/KT comes in during phase3, for players to down them and access Mount Hyjal.

So there is no need to nerf the end bosses now.


Should have just nerfed Heroic/Regular dungeons instead lmao.

So that people have better encouragement in grouping up for Heroics/Regular.

I am looking at you, Skyriss.

We are 10/10 and raid 6 hours a week. Never stepped foot on PTR. You focus on one raid for the week to get a full days worth of pulls on the end boss.

We had more success recruiting on Sulfurs , the server we came from then Benediction.

And we have like 6 or 7 melee in raids.

Ok, great, however, you know what Blizz needs to do like ASAP? Server mergers…
Please, because it is getting harder and harder to find groups for dungeons at all stages.


nerf nothing
isnt that the whole point?
specially with SoM
Let the bosses be like what they are now

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