Rag down for the Horde

Limitless and Easy Company teamed up last night and took Rag down! Special shoutout to YourSlvt for organizing and making it happen. Additional thanks to Churchie and the Easy company team for joining in the fun!



What dropped!?

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Warlock and priest pants, MP5 shield, and the crappy caster ring.

Pretty garbage loot sadly

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Congratulations, Horde! :slight_smile:

Here is the last 30 seconds of our very clean kill.

We just gonna ignore the dude who is dead in your screenshot up in the air?

I legit laughed out loud when i saw it, didnt even noticed until you pointed it out

Congrats you guys

Congrats on the Kill!

Great job, about time you hordie bois joined in on the fun :slight_smile: