Radio silence on S3

They are still thinking how to buff shamans. Give them sometime, shamans desperately need buffs.


I should add that most guilds are at the point where they only raid log, if I log during the day all I see is myself online,also finding groups to level up is getting way harder, all I see in the LFG is the boosting boys.

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Yeah it’s legitimately starting to feel like they actively hate the pvp community in SoD and want to make sure we can all know to f off

That’s crazy. So you formed your own group and solved your issue in 5 seconds, and then all was well.


The best part is that twitter is a better source of information for SoD than the Blizzard run game forums

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They don’t even play the game so of course they are barely aware of the forum’s existence as it is.

that’s been the case for about a decade now, CMs stopped being really social in here since people here are more unhinged than on twitter

Last Saturday, Aggrend (Head Dev of Classic) said on Twitter that they would have information about Phase 3 “soon”

Was hoping it meant there would be info this week, but if not this week, it has to be next week right? Otherwise we’re very much stretching the definition of “soon” to its breaking point, especially for a project with 2-3 month phase cadences.

exactly, thank you for the info!

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Shamans do desperately need more buffs.

I suggest turning Chain Lightning into a instant cast.

Better yet, what if they gave the Blood Moon Shaman weapon a on hit chain lightning ability. I think that would be awesome.

That would address the lack of active cleaving for enhancement.
I would also add an effect to the DW rune that would make stormstrike effect to spread among up to 3 targets so CL would get even stronger.

Sounds like y’all don’t actually like playing WoW. I play all the time. I don’t understand why you’d play a game you don’t actually like playing.

Because they can’t say anything without people flipping out. People come to the forums to complain now. They have zero incentive to come here.

Don’t rush the phases, please. This was a big part of the downfall of Era. We don’t need P3 until June or late May at the earliest.

let them cook

if they confirmed june I’d quit today

The classic playerbase is way too impatient. People play 12+ hours per day, rush content, and then complain when they run out. It’s not good for the player or the game. Take things slowly. Like Janet said, let’s wait a while.

They referred to the week of March 5th as the mid-point of phase 2. That was about a month into the phase. So expect another month, which means early April phase 3.

Phase 1 lasted 12 weeks if I remember correctly, I’m assuming Phase 2 will last similar amount of time so we should be getting info on it soon