Radical idea for old garrison assets

What if we could buy and affix stuff in our garrisons? Like the paintings at the Dark Moon Faire and in other places throughout Azeroth and beyond, they could be bought/drop from old raids no one does anymore past the appropriate level. Place chairs and stuff and invite guild mates and what not over.

I have a radical idea for the old garrisons themselves. Fire.


Purge the garrisons.
Make guild housing instead, recycle garison buildings but add functions to customize where you want your furniture. And add stuff, too.
Wildstar did it best and I’d love to see that here.
dreamy stare


Agreed. It’s time, really.

People talk about it ‘taking people out of the world’ and everything, but everyone being crammed into one city and leaving all the others as almost meaningless is really just as bad - and a lot more laggy.

It is baffling how housing is not a thing in WOW at this point.


That does make sense. If people were out of the cities and into the world doing stuff the cities wouldn’t have the lag issue. If only Blizzard would see that positive sign plus it’ll give them the metrics without excuses.

I feel like this was the intent with World Quests - and to an extent it did perform its desired function, people headed out from cities and around zones to complete WQs. Just given how short-form they all are, and 99% of them requiring little to no cooperation, it only really keeps people out for a brief period of time - usually the few most painless WQs possible to complete a given emissary.

The world just doesn’t have any content, even now, that you can truly sink your teeth into, quests aside. Just brief activities that draw you out of the city for a very, very short time…

I’m about to go on a tangent, though. I mostly brought that up because it’s a common argument I see against player housing, but the world is, for the most part, full of solo players doing their own thing, anyway. Not a bad thing, it just is.

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I agree, after all the world quests are done their isn’t much else to do unless you raid etc. To some it’s just not day to day activity they like to get into all the time.