Racist Alliance players

I’ve encountered alot of people on this server who use the N word with the hard R and LOVE to make racist comments. I report them and nothing seems to happen. Players off the top of my head are “Thiccocc, DarkAngel” and many more. Does Blizzard not doing anything when people get reported for this stuff?

Face it, This game is racist. It’s systemic. Personally I can’t stand those slack jawed undead. I mean their flesh is rotting. I thought Orcs smelled bad, but then I walked by Undercity while heading to SM around lvl 30. It smells like putrid death! I seriously can’t believe anything smells that bad. It took me a week of washing my Scarlet Tabard everyday to get the smell out. Talk about Curse of Arthas! :nauseated_face:


That’s a name you could report as inappropriate

Where’s the rotten tooth smile emoji when I need it :put_litter_in_its_place: