Racial stereotypes in wow NPCs... Is wow racist?

This is 100% the case.

Golden, Gregory, and Copeland had a round table on Thrall during the recent Blizzcon.

It was a FLAMING HOT MESS. They went into discussing how slavery would feel. Huge yikes. Said Thrall is basically over being a slave.

Many people dragged them across social media.

And now in 9.1, Thrall’s in-game model was given whip scars. A permanent sign of his former suffering visible to all, undeniable, unavoidable.

It’s this.


What are Former and Latter? “What was before” and “What was then”?

That is … For the “correct” portrayal of the Gurubashi as Aztecs it is required … to show them not as thirsty for blood on their own, but as respecting the deal by a summoned god? True, they still want their lands back … uh. Or is it not racism? Or is it, showing the “Aztecs” as “stubborn to the point of self-destructive stubbornness, so they should be pitied / condescending”? Okay, again I misunderstood something.

Then “white” racism is … portraying “European” races as “legitimately” oppressing all other races, “evil” church, the same “suicidal stubbornness” in the form of refusal to accept their own imperfections / dignity of all others? “Worshiping money” - is it only against Jews, or does it extend to Americans and Europeans as well?


Что такое Former и Latter? “То, что было раньше” и “То, что было потом”?

То есть… Для “правильного” отображения Гурубаши как ацтеков требуется… показывать их не как жаждущих крови самостоятельно, а как уважающих сделку призванным богом? Правда, они все еще хотят вернуть себе свои земли… эм. Или это не является расизмом? Или является, показывая “ацтеков” как “упорных до самоубийственного упрямства, поэтому их нужно пожалеть/относиться со снисхождением”? Ладно, опять я что-то не так понял.

Тогда “белый” расизм это… изображение “европейских” рас как “законно” угнетающее все остальные расы, “злая” церковь, то же самое “самоубийственное упрямство” в виде отказа принять собственное несовершенство/достоинства всех прочих? “Поклонение деньгам” - это только против евреев или это распространяется и на американцев с европейцами?

Check the Horde Rebuild thread.
One of the things he wants is for the Alliance to be racist again.

But the kicker is to not only make the Alliance racist but to remove any reasoning or justification they would have to view the Horde and its member races negatively.

So you know poison the Alliance story further.


Former refers to the first thing you mentioned and latter refers to the second thing you mentioned lol

My statements stand regardless.

No, the racist trope is that historically all gurubashi were blood thirsty cannibals except the darkspear. When it could’ve been written that only the Atal’ai (Hakkars followers) did so.

And then in Cataclysm they retcon’d the Amani to also universally be blood thirsty cannibals.


The use of problematic tropes for the humans ie invoking European or White people negative stereotypes are actually very few. This fact is part of the larger conversation.

It is precisely that the in-game Humans ARE NOT written and characterized relying on IRL European or US explicit cultural stereotypes.

Whether negative or positive stereotypes.

This demonstrates blizzard is CAPABLE of using motifs WITHOUT restorting to problematic stereotypes

Off the top of my head there’s only been:

  • There’s stormwind framed as Anti Worker’s Rights (Defias Stonemason story; a US stereotype in the world)
  • There’s the Catholic/Episcopalian Church Bishop secretly serving tentacle monsters (look up Anti Catholic US Propaganda, lots of tentacles)
  • the fact the Drustvar Kultirans were planning on burning Lucille at the stake in a Salem copy of a witch trial
  • everyone says By The Light!, I guess?

None of which is particularly shocking or devastating.

WoW is written from a US perspective first and foremost. The inherent logics of the game must always be centered on that material reality of the dev team.


Being money obsessed is a US cultural stereotype but in-game it is only assigned to the Goblins, which rely upon the Antisemitic stereotype.


What’s the difference between American and Jewish lust for money?
That is, the thirst for money should be assigned to human?

You’re being weird again.

You know exactly what I mean.

Russians are stereotyped in the West as heavy drinkers. The Irish are also stereotyped in the West as heavy drinkers. The Germans are also stereotyped that way.

Dwarves (lots of Irish and Scottish motifs) celebrate Brewfest (German holiday).

Is the fact Dwarves are demonstrated to be heavy drinkers invoking the RUSSIAN SPECIFIC iteration of that stereotype because it is simply alcoholism?

No. That would be ridiculous. It’s specifically gesturing to Irish/Scottish and German motifs.


Um … No?

Well I do not know. The drunkenness of Western Europe seems to be more organized, cultural and grandiose? Exquisite? Russian drunkenness, like drunkenness for the poor, is cheap, lonely, and leads to a lot of trouble; drunkenness of the patient.

It seems that I again did not understand the meaning of the message. Mda.

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So you agree, neither Dwarven alcohol consumption motif nor Dwarven Brewfest reflects that Russian stereotype, great, glad we had this chat.

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So what’s the difference between American and Jewish hunger for money?

Both are rather German.

The consumption of beer, the “brew fest” as a reference to the Oktoberfest of Munich.

Yeah, both things are rather german/bavarian :wink:


And not a Russian motif.

And it’s fine because there isn’t a main character dwarf that is a walking problematic stereotype of a raging alcoholic abusive violent German/Irishman.

Which is, my point lol on both fronts.

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A lot of Draenei names are Jewish in origin, and Velen is far more similar to Moses than any other religious figure. As I said, the fact they’re the only playable race that is literally aliens from outer space (which I shouldn’t have to explain how that can be misconstrued as anti semitic.

I don’t feel wholly comfortable to say whether it’s problematic or not, or even get into any advanced argument about it, tho.

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Thank you for making this post, I love long thoughtful posts like this.

I wish WoWs lore was racist :frowning:

bloody knife ears etc.

Real life racism doesnt exist in wow homever.

More characters like Garithos or Daelin.

this kind of goblin racist stereotype existed long before wow did it though, its rlly common

Yes that is the problem as I’ve outlined repeatedly lol

So … The difference between Jewish and American lust for money. Uh … Americans are willing to do anything for the money (the spread between the workaholic and the mafioso), and the Jews do nothing for the money (the evil polite bankers)? I guessed?