Racial stereotypes in wow NPCs... Is wow racist?

white people have all the priviliges. Just like the alliance. So it is a fitting comparison. Alliance is the white people of wow.

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No, we don’t. And you making broad RACIST judgements against people you don’t even know is just pathetic. :face_vomiting:


Eh not really. Plus the Brokers collect things for us to buy, not for themselves. More colonial market metaphor.

Well cuz the issue is racism.

Sure Draenei are Russian + some Jewish themes (Exodar, Exodus) + some Muslim themes (led by a Prophet who gets whispers from magical beings of light).

But the Draenei themselves as a race don’t have any racial stereotypes therein via these themes.

They don’t have any weird Russian stereotypes, weird Muslim stereotypes, nor a weird Jewish stereotypes.

Goblins DO have bad Jewish stereotypes.

So even though both Draenei, Goblins, and Gnomes borrow from different Jewish motifs over the centuries, only really the Goblins and to a lesser extent the Gnomes got the Bad Antisemitic Stereotypes.

Eh only Dwarven alcoholism.

While Jersey Shore Italians were a basis for Goblins, those themes used wouldn’t count that as Problematic given well, it’s the reality of a large and prosperous Italian community in New Jersey.

And the Goblins used the word Cartel instead of Mafia.

Cartel = Latin American organized crime
Mafia = Italian organized crime

In terms of how those two words are used in popular media. Nobody calls Lucky Luciano the former leader of a cartel.


It’s problematic because most of us don’t talk like that
.like at all. And you know that.

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Sure but many Italians in New Jersey and New York do.

And both are the cultural core of the US Italian Diaspora. Ain’t no annual San Gennaro Street Parade anywhere else in the country.

It’s a community that exists and does talk like that. Hell, my accent in English is partially shaped by them due to growing up in Queens and Brooklyn mostly.


Weren’t Tolkien’s dwarves originally based off of some Jewish stereotypes too? How much of that, if any, has carried through into WoW? I would guess the whole mining for treasure stuff, at least.

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Correct. Tolkien dwarvish language was based on Ashkenazi Hebrew, their greed and stature and beards were based on Jews, etc. Lots of cringe. Tolkien later regretted it but well too little too late.

Not much. We see a bit in what Dwarven names are, eg Khaz Modan is a Tolkien reference via Khazad Dum, so in so copying the names they’re copying Tolkien’s imagination of the names. Dwarf greed isn’t as prominent.

There’s actually a funny history as to why Dwarves are imagined with Irish or Scottish accents nowadays.

Tldr it’s because of using actors from different parts of the UK for radio readings of the books.

So ergo dwarves do Riverdance and eat Haggis


Well, maybe not NOW, but there was some of that in earlier WoW; they were just greedy for titan relic stuff instead of outright going after gold or gemstones. Or is that too removed from the original depiction?


Oh it’s relevant but it’s not like it’s a recurring trope that Dwarves are regularly mining so greedily they poison the water supply, accidentally awaken multiple Old Gods or adjacent, collapse part of the mountain, or accidentally wake some angry fire elementals or elementals otherwise.

Unlike Tolkien :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL! But ONLY when someone points how pearly flawless and sterile white the Alliance is. Remember, not having flaws is in of itself a writing flaw, and the Alliance can’t have those. So time to bring out some super whitewashed, handwaved, backpeddled, or buried under mountains of justifications token “dark” acts in since the Cata Purity Test to pretend the Alliance has anything fringing on Grey. ROFL!!!

We could have had dark characters but people like you made sure Sylvanas and Gallywix get ousted and replaced them with bland white bread like Gazlowe and Rokhan. Whom nobody aksed for. You ruined the Horde.

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Imagine thinking any of us are in charge of the story decisions :wolf:

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Yes, nothing quite like manipulative as*holes who only get away with half their nonsense because of plot-convenience to really sell those “darker shades”. But, I get it. You LOVE the SWtoR Sith Empire power fantasy. I get that your taste essentially is a combination of “the edgiest crap you can think of” combined with “DBZ power levels”, but given your long lists of “why the Alliance are better than the Horde” (as well as your equally long lists about you hating everything about the Horde itself) 
 I really wish you’d do us all a favor and just join the Blue Team. You clearly are absurdly jealous of what they have.


Nothing to be jealous of really. Blue team is boring as hell. :wolf:


At least Swtor allows me to kill the enemy faction most of the time. In WoW Baine and Thrall try to shame me for it. These leaders are morons who should be killed and pinned on a pike-

because the current Horde is trash. The council needs to die asap and replaced with better people.

The Sith Empire has Darth Acina to represent the team. Horde has nothing.

SWtoR also lets you play a Chaotic Evil Monster with no real chance of consequence, and operates on such a MASSIVE scale and setting everything you do is ultimately meaningless in the grand scheme of that conflict. SWtoR also built their dual faction system far more around that Good/Evil philosophy, so its far more natural. But they also had enough self-awareness to deliberately show how its not the Sith that hold the Sith Empire together (and rather, most of them, are just detriments to its power and stability).

The WoW Horde will never be SWtoR’s Sith Empire. And the Faction Conflict has been a weak, dogtrash story thread almost from the start. Merely created to support PvP on a story level. And building an entire faction around being “Contrarian” to the Alliance, is consistently one of the worst ideas/demands you post.

EDIT: Also, thanks to Iokath’s nonsense, both she and Jace have been locked in “Might Be Dead” Limbo forever. And she was one of the most moderate Sith Lords we were exposed to before she was hit with that horrific writing decision. Like, Acina, is definitely not the type to back your “contrarian faction” crap. Hell, she was so much of a moderate (and had such a history of turning down opportunities for Super Weapons), I actually ended up having my Mostly Light Side Jedi Consular side with her against (“Im going to destroy worlds”) Jace LOL!


And as usual, I think the issue comes from trying to portray groups as having an exaggerated version of a vice, especially in contrast to a very flattering depiction of white medieval European kingdoms.

The goblins would have even been better in a regular storytelling sense if it was clear greed was also an issue in all the cultures like any other sin, just that their capitalistic system and being from a very brutal way of life emphasized it more in their culture (which people in cultures are not monoliths) rather than some sort of racial greediness (which tends to paint exceptions as flukes). We see human workers in Venture Co, after all.


No no no.
You are wrong, after discussing with many Horde players here of how utterly evil the Alliance is for their monstrous actions like Taurajo or the Dazaralor? The proof cannot be contested.
I actually think the Alliance needs to be toned down, their actions is simply too much compared to the rest of the lore.