Racial Coding in WoW

Why would anyone wish such a terrible fate on themself?


You know if blizzard was truly sensitive to racial coding then the only acceptable target left would be Anduin.

Which I would be ok with.

How about having those same prideful people join the side of Mass murder as well as having the races based on minority ethnicities those generally deemed as the savages continuously attempt to wipe out the Euro centric races thereby aligning under the whole white genocide thing some crazies push for.

And to top it all off they use 8.2 to say the majority of them a support the action AND they can only be saved with the help of the one ‘savage’ that was raised by the euro centric people’s whilst the leader of said euro centrics is also still trying to educate them. (Anduin saying let them live after Dazar’alor).


Speaking of Anduin, “We’ll talk about honor, and whether it can still be reclaimed” at Undercity (to SAURFANG) I thought was the biggest Yikes line of BfA. Then it kinda snowballed from there


To me, Mim always epitomized the cruelty and spiteful nature of Tolkien’s Dwarves. The Petty Dwarves are interesting. I think Tolkien did well to show an array of personalities and cultures within individual races.

I would say Warcrafts Dwarves are simply Tolkien’s Dwarves, with amped up Scottish/Irish/Celtic accents, language, and flavor to be recognizable and familiar to Players.

If Tolkien’s Dwarves are based off what you say, than that is a truer and deeper root for Warcraft’s Dwarves. Like a Grandparent.

ya pretty much all modern day fantasy dwarves are based right off Tolkien, but in terms, everything about Tolkien’s dwarves are ripped straight from norse mythology. So essentially all modern day fantasy dwarves are thus based off norse mythology through the lens of Tolkien :stuck_out_tongue: So you’re not wrong!


I think the best example of this was in WC3 when Grom killed the Nelf’s god. How were the Orcs supposed to know that Ashenvale was populated and the forest were sacred to them? How were the nelfs supposed to know the Orcs didn’t work for the Legion when demons were just entering Azeroth again en mass. The best part was when the nelfs aren’t presented as irredeemably evil They were the aggressors, but they had more reason than “we bad, mon.”

Blizzard has failed the Horde by actually never showing their grievances towards the Alliance. Nathan can talk all he wants about the Forsaken being rejected by the Alliance, but unless the Alliance is actually shown in-game to employ death squads then all his comments can be thrown under the rug. His reasons for war don’t even have to exist and the story wouldn’t be any different.


Yes it is… just as dressing up in blackface generally is. If you’re going to use a cultural gimmick, at least get someone who knows it well enough to use it with respect enough to give it a soft touch. If you’re going to make your trolls sound Jamaican, at least get a writer from the region to write the dialogue, not some smartass whitebread from Boston.

Racial coding is like nitro. It’s got a major chance to blow up in your face when it’s mishandled And most people handle it like putting nitro in a blender.


Given that the Alliance actually harbors the Scarlet Crusade in the Church of Stormwind, I’d say that’s pretty damming evidence.

So…Tolkein’s dwarves as depicted by Peter Jackson in the LotR films?


Not really. The Scarlets were never sanctioned by the Alliance. They were just some of the survivors of Lordaeron. Even if you argue that Stormwind was giving them approval in the down low that doesn’t explain why they were targeted by frequent Alliance incursions. If you want to say guilty by association then you might as well lump Dalaran as one of the biggest threats to Horde security because I recall seeing crimson pilgrims walk around the city during Legion.