Racial changes

Most of these changes are more gimmicky and niche to ever take the superiority of Smeld, however that Worgen one is going to make it meta for FC, until its nerfed

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the worgen racial is kinda cool but I feel like if they had given us a ground targetable leap that would have been easier to balance and more flavorful

every single worgen NPC in the game since classic has a leap

Isn’t that goblins?

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Theirs is just a non targetable dash forward, like Gust of Wind from shamans

I’m talking a targetable ground leap like Infernal Strike from VDH. With less range, perhaps

Just play worgen warrior for heroic leap problem solved :exploding_head:

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Cool as a worgen priest this does more or less nothing. Just remove racials from rated content.

Can Forsaken get some attention! A passive that’s awful, and a fear break that DRs with PvP trinket.

And is getting paid for it haha.
Still a 3 min cd, they reduced other 3 min cds down to 2 but this one will have to wait for 3 or 4 more expansions before it’s reduced to 2 mins like the others did lmao

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Glad they’re finally giving some of the racials some love to make them somewhat more competitive with others. This is still an RPG so should be a little flavor between each race. Some of these also did near 0 damage too so 50% more to 0 is still 0.


Swing and a miss

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This isn’t live??? :sob:

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Holy fuzz, I can finally go maghar

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All of you will feel my wrath!!1


I’m actually kinda curious how much this actually is. Any Magyar orcs out there?


Mag’har racials weren’t even out of line so it’s kind of an odd change. Their flavor of 1% dmg was fine, it’s just that their other stuff stank and at the end of the day it’s mostly the utility stuff that’s important, like melding a boss mechanic, stoneform to remove a giant bleed, gnome to break a rootbeam, etc.

I’m ready for this arc

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The best part is giving stats you actually want.

The hilarious part about these changes is that even with the buffs the LFD racial still hits as hard as a crusader strike due to the .5 pvp modifier.

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worgen druids confirmed racists???

blizzard has added racists to teh game
now we talking

Doesn’t even matter, Shadowmeld still miles ahead. Whaz literally Shadowmelded an otherwise killing blow. Does it get stronger than dodging death? lol