Race vs Faction. Which one do you identify with?

Honestly, at the end of BfA, my hope is that the Alliance and Horde both destroy each other, and we are left completely free from the two faction system. The next expansion be the individual races dealing with the grounded and morbid threats to everyday ways of life, like Gnolls, Quillboar and Centaur. Which, without the security of the two super powers, are now suddenly much more threatening.

Mongrel Horde expansion please.

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The Alliance is a union of random people without any kind of concise motivation or drive, and the Human part of it overshadows the rest of the faction too much, ultimately it’s really boring.
The Horde is war machine with a identity crisis formed by groups that have little or nothing in common and no reason to be together.
Class > Race > Abyss > Faction

I think an expansion like that would be more than welcomed. Re-updating the old cities, giving Undead and Night Elves a new place to call home, and helping to re-vamp the feeling of the ‘world’ of Warcraft. I feel it could help with the sense of identity many are facing at the moment in BfA - even if that means my main is going to get cross looks from other Night Elves. (Kekekeke, what have you given?)

But I really wish that they would have wrapped up the class hall storylines, and had a reason for the PCs to act as they do now. It feels like after we were awarded our mounts the storyline just dropped off - never to be heard from again. Even the lightest amount of words, even an ingame mail, would have been highly appreciated and helped the classes to retain lore identity.