Race Identity

Please stay very far away from me.

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Bro it’s not like that :frowning:

i was talking about the ones that grow in soil!!!

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I use mud to exfoliate my skin!



That not mud, that poop!

Fresh poop great, make you smell good and good poop shack material!

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The Forsaken have always been evil, right from Vanilla. Even their original cinematic made it clear that they were only allied with the Horde out of convenience while they bid their time.

Your two most common phrases are;

“Beware the living!”
“Death to the living!”

As a lesser Elf, you’ve always been an Argyle sock. So clearly the answer is that you can simultaneously be both, because they are one and the same.

Edit: Kidding aside, @ OP:

Aside from maybe the starting areas, which a lot of people probably don’t complete anymore, there’s just not much that’s tied as tightly to race anymore. During Classic, entire portions of continents were divided and dedicated to races. Night Elves had Teldrassil, Darkshore, were fighting with Orcs over Ashenvale, etc. I comfortably spent the first half of the game inside areas conquered by my Night Elven Brethren. The same could be said for just about every race.

Fast forward to TBC, Draenei and Blood Elves got a starting zone to get them to level 10-ish, and that was about it. Then we were booted out to level in someone else’s territories for 48 levels before going into Outland where none of our races really held anything but temporary outposts for fending off the Legion. Then in Northrend we had temporary outposts for fending off the Scourge. Cataclysm broke a lot of the old realms, and they really missed an opportunity to get back to the Azeroth world building and tying the players to their race/faction.

I don’t even know wtf happened during MoP. WoD was sort of TBC 2.0, and Legion was TBC 3.0 - temporary outposts for us to fend off an encroaching evil, but no real focus on what our race is doing to carve out a niche for itself. They can barely focus on the factions tearing at each other, every time we turn around we have to stop killing each other and sorta kinda but not really band together to kill something that would kill Azeroth.

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People who need racial identity are people so shallow they cannot be themselvs so they try to be whatever caricature their racial identity is culture wise.

No thanks

They were evil moreso in Classic, but even by BC you have forsaken going out of their way to help the Blood Elves in the Ghostlands.

Most plot development for them other than the cruel stuff they do in the classic maps has them be much gentler.

You don’t know what it means to be glorious.

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It’s called story telling and progression. Quel’thalas still has a ginormous scar full of undead cleaving it in two. Why aren’t the Blood Elves fixing this problem? What’s going on with it? It’s been six expansions, going on 7 now, since TBC. Why are we still hanging out with the Horde after the nonsense Sylvanas pulled? Wouldn’t it make sense to cut ties with them? Are we only hanging around because Tauren are pretty chill, and Gnomes disgust us?

Speaking of Sylvanas, shouldn’t the Horde excise Undead from their ranks? You’d think at this point Orcs, Trolls, Tauren and Blood Elves would band together with Humans and go full Spanish Inquisition on them.

In actuality it’s the exact opposite of shallow. Shallow is just (kinda sorta maybe) focusing on Red versus Blue. Depth is: Why are ‘my people’ in Red? What are our goals, what is Red doing to help us reach them, and what are we doing for Red? And perhaps more importantly, why aren’t we doing that for Blue? Why should we hate Blue enough to flip the War Mode switch and go nuclear on anything that isn’t Team Red?

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Not to me.

Race identity feels pretty strong to me. I think people get it muddied up by things like ‘character silhouette’ from the models. Identity is about place in the story, not what they look like.

I think they could do more for the races, though. If we could get an anthropological account of the different races of Azeroth like we got a Titan’s account of the passage of time in Chronicles, that’d be great.

I main Blood Elves; if a class can be a Blood Elf, she will be.

I’ve always felt a very strong attachment to Blood Elven/ Thalassian lore, heritage and identity. I love the Blood Elves’ history, and their unique style, architecture and appearance.

I play every race, and while not as saturated in them as I am in Blood Elves, I do enjoy their racial identity.

I love Night Elves, Mag’har, Nightborne and Trolls, and feel their stories are relevant to the game-play.


i can’t believe people want immersion in an mmorpg


Right? What were we thinking? Who wants role playing aspects in their Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game? Clearly that guy is so far ahead of the curve it only looks like he missed the bus.

Considering the pc is supposed to be an ultra special unique champion they are supposed to be themselves, not just another common X race person who has no individuality and is just some silly racial stereotype.

They are supposed to be above their race

Who cares?

The point of roleplaying is to be whatever you want. Whatever the game’s npcs choose to address you as is arbitrary to most if not all role players.

I’m sure some people see their character as themselves in some aspects. But if blizzard wanted characters to be seen or viewed as in a specific light then they would most likely torch the concept of RP servers all together.

So…instead of a ‘racial stereotype’ they should be what, exactly? A Red/Blue faction stereotype? A spec/Class stereotype? I mean there has to be something tying them into the world they’re a part of. Regardless of how you split it, the character is part of a collective. And swapping one collective for another doesn’t make the new collective ‘above’ the old one, it’s still a collective.

Without something tying them into their realm, they’re just an out of place Mary Sue/Gary Stu. Which is fine if all you need from a story is “Woo, I’m awesome! Go Team Blue!!” But some people would like a little more meat to chew on.