Race change

At least you would be super-cute. If you rolled a female, anyway. Male gnomes all look like sex offenders.

True. Male gnomes are actively on an FBI watch list and have to live with constant visits by Chris Hansen.

Female gnomes hide their unholy hatred behind cute lil faces and pigtails.

Hey I recognize your guild and that nameā€¦ What server you guys on now? You guys cameover from Bonechewer Yes no?

If youā€™re talking about my guild no, weā€™re native to Fairbanks and havenā€™t left. I donā€™t know any previous history however so maybe?

When they allow us to change race, Iā€™m going NELF cuz the content is so trivial and warriors actually have skill this time around and barely need FW.

I definitely agree. Blizzard should make this an option. A good way to from Blizzard to make a little extra profit to maintain WoW Classic. It wonā€™t break the WoW classic ā€œNo Changesā€ either.

I rolled a dwarf as well for PvP. But find myself doing more raiding, and I really need that sword specialization from humans.

I would pay just to change to something and change back to human and die my hair. Please donā€™t do this to my economy.

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