Race Change, Faction Change, and Server Transfer Cooldown Reduction

Greetings Cataclysm Classic adventurers.

We’ve recently deployed a hotfix that reduces the cooldowns for race change, faction change, and paid server transfer on Cataclysm Classic realms from 30 days, down to 3 days (72 hours) to match these services on modern realms. This change also applies retroactively, so for those who are currently on a cooldown after initiating these services within the past 30 days, expect your cooldown to be completed after 3 days from when the service began.


A hotfix to make more money ? Nice. Just when you were about to run out of ways to milk your customers. You always find a way ! Gratz !


Good change, many people trying to server+faction change and were stuck for 30 days before being able to complete the other.

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What about the level 60 pvp transmogs that we were supposed to be able to use when the pvp season started?


Can we get transfers between the same bnet now too? The initial restriction was due to the accounts containing boosts. Since boosts are now available as a separate paid option in the in-game store, I believe it’s worth revisiting this decision and potentially lifting the restriction. Thank you


Can we finally get same battle net transfers? I initially had one horde one alliance account and my old mains are stuck on my other account

Please consider same battle net transfers


Are there any changes to the gold limit on transfers? Last i saw it was 25k which is way too low these days.

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So you can transfer servers every 3 days?

That’s pretty cool Linxy. Thanks for letting us know!

Also to match the services on modern realms, would you care to enable cross-faction Arena queuing just for me so I can queue with some of my friends who are playing Alliance?

That would be really nice.


ty, for this

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Now where are my glaive tmogs?

Planning on getting a transfer done within the next week or so

a few question for the blue that might not be in FAQs

  1. Is there a gold cap?
  2. What about all other currencies and token like JP, CP.
  3. Does honor and arena ranking move together
  4. Does the whole bank move together.

Thank you