R sham, both priest healing specs, and pres evoker each have < 50 players above 2400 in solo shuffle on NA

sure, but if evoker was insanely busted literally everyone would play it just like everyone and their mothers swapped to ret in season 1 for free rating

which is the case with hpal, r druid, and mw monk rn

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So you want evoker to be insanely busted?

Not really. Those specs always have been played. People didn’t swap onto it, they just geared their specs when they were good again.

Rdruid might be busted currently, Hpal maybe a tiny bit overtuned still but I don’t see MW being totally overtuned.

Glad to be one of them xD. Tbh a lot of healers just don’t q shuffle at that cr bc they can just get 3s qs instead. I didn’t q for weeks on this toon and decided why not yesterday. Had over a free 100 mmr and climbed going 2-4. There really isn’t much incentive to spam q shuffle besides practice and enjoyment. I find normal 3s more fun and I play no voice a lot of the time anyway. So why would I q shuffle if I can q a bracket that is just more fun for me.

I can’t find a team or I would. People have no patience for mistakes.

People weren’t playing hpal before the rework.

After the rework, it was like 90% holy pallies in shuffle past 2.1k and the rest was Mw, hpriest.

Now with 10.1.7 it’s rdruid/hpal top dog followed by hpriest/mw and the rest of the healers might as well not even be mentionned. Can they still be played by people like mehhx or R1s? Sure, but why play mid healers when you can dominate with rdruid or hpal.

yeah it takes a lot of grinding in lfg to find chill ppl.

this is something that should be shared more often with WoW Devs