<R E L I C> (8/9 H, 1/9 M) is recruiting DPS for our core group, Wed/Thur 830-1130 EST!

<R E L I C> Horde-Zul’jin


< R E L I C > is a recently reformed semi-hardcore guild recruiting multiple raid teams, mythic+, and all other social aspects of the game. We would like to rebuild the roster with an active population of like-minded players who enjoy the game. We run mythic+ nightly and will be coordinating normal/heroic raids on off nights for alts and casual players. Much of our guild consists of older players (mid-30s and up) who have been playing this game for a very long time. All are welcome to join us! Send me a message here or in game at VonSkyhawk#1269 for info!


Main Raid: Wednesday/Thursday, 830-1130 PM, EST/ST (mythic group) with optional Sunday clean-up

Alt/Casual Raid: Monday, 830-1130 PM, EST/ST (heroic group)


Main Raid: Mage, Boomkin, and Hunter are our immediate needs, but other classes will be considered

Alt/Casual Raid: Not tanks


Dating back to the Burning Crusade, Relic achieved multiple server first kills under the current raid/guild leader and strive to do the same during BFA and beyond. We are currently rebuilding the roster around a talented core group and recruiting all classes/specs in preparation for the upcoming tier. Relic believes in providing a fun, relaxed atmosphere in and out of raids. Building a close-knit community of friendly, skilled players with similar goals while being server-competitive is of the utmost importance to us.

Organization, accountability, and execution are the keys to raid success. Our team has a raid leader, team lead, and role leads (heals, ranged, melee) to ensure no one player bears the burden of too many roles. Our job is to provide the player with the environment and motivation to push high-end mythic content. And it is the player’s job to be on time, prepared, able to fulfill the duties of their role at a high level, and most importantly, enjoy what they do. Overall, Relic seeks dedicated players who are proactive in maximizing their potential.

In our first week of BoD, we went 8/9 N and 3/9 H. Our clean up team completed heroic Jadefire Masters with a 99 efficiency parse (3rd out of ~4000 guilds). This illustrates that our core team is solid, and obviously, we would like to build on that.


Prefer a more casual raid team? Possibly something for your alt? This team is perfect for people who would only like to commit to one day of raiding. As of now, the goal is heroic. However, if the roster permits, early mythic bosses may be a possibility.

Please note that despite this being a casual group, we would like to field a consistent roster that can show up and perform well each week. This will ensure a positive experience for all players.


Tanks! We need more tanks! Now that mythic+ has relevant gear again, we’re trying to do them a lot more. However, we need more tanks to make it happen. Obviously, we’re recruiting any excellent players, but at the moment we need tanks specifically.


It has become increasingly difficult for guilds to field consistent rosters, not only for raiding, but all other aspects of the game. That being said, we are always open to discussing mergers. While we would not be willing move on from our guild title and server, other compromises can be negotiated.

Please contact MJ at VonSkyhawk#1269 for more information

YA! What he said.