Lol there’s pug groups that clear 7/7N spamming trade and LFG every day.
But you just said you don’t pug, so how can you claim the quality of those pugs just from chat messages? How can you know how long it takes them to form? What they require from people joining? Are they even actually fully clearing or just claiming that they are? How many potential puggers are being declined simply because of their class or lack of logs?
On the reverse side of the coin, how many groups DO accept pugs that end up causing issues with their runs? LFR certainly serves double duty in giving the less active a source to experience the content, and the worse players somewhere to go away from groups forming for the more difficult content
You shouldn’t claim knowledge of a given subject you have no personal experience with
LFR is unnecessary as players will have access to the gear through the new Twilight Infernos, which eliminates the need for LFR.
You already said that. Catch-up gear does not allow people who will not or cannot raid otherwise to experience the story
If you want to make an argument for the implementation of Storymode for that purpose instead, we can talk about that. But it would be far easier to just leave what already exists intact instead of having to build a whole new system and difficulty setting from the ground up
LFR was never about gear, this is a gold buyer take
The primary purpose of LFR is to obtain gear. In my experience, I have never played with anyone who runs LFR for fun.
Its not, its to experience the content in a chill environment. Only sweats run it for gear early in the phase. Its not about gear in retail either
If there were no gear in LFR, there would be no incentive to participate. Gear is undoubtedly the primary reason why people engage in LFR; to claim otherwise is false.
The incentive is to experience the story. Gear plays a part, but it is certainly not “the main” reason for it. That’s why LFR is worthless in retail, because Storymode exists. As no such mode exists in Cataclysm, LFR still serves a purpose
That is exactly what normal mode is.
We went over this already. You don’t understand what the current pugging scene is like and so have no grounds to make such claims
The existence of LFR provides an avenue for these players, regardless of the pugging scene. Without LFR, the absolute best case scenario is that literally nothing changes. All other, much more likely scenarios, are simply a net negative on the player experience
Its not, normal mode is still unaccessible for many
No, it is not. Normal mode can be easily cleared by understanding the fights and watching the videos, especially when the buff is later applied.
You seem to be confusing the actual difficulty of the raid itself for the process of forming a pug group, and all the complications, prejudice, and uncertainty that comes with it
LFR has not been present in the game for the past 5.5 years, yet it has not prevented players from participating in the raid if they desired to do so.
And many players over the last 5.5 years have never set foot in a raid that would like to, but for one reason or another haven’t. LFR provides those players an avenue for it
You have yet to explain what’s lost by LFR’s inclusion. Your entire defense is that “we did fine without it before”. Yeah, and we did fine before the invention of motor transportation, too. Are you going to claim that cars are a pointless invention?
There wasn’t a need for story mode prior to Cata
LFR serves a real purpose in MOP where it can be used for the legendary questline.
Its never been about loot, and people who aren’t obsessed with loot know that
Well if its not about loot then what do you think people would do if there was no loot in the rewarded in LFR? Do you honestly think players would still run it?