Well. I will say this - and no, I’m not advertising for a competitor here. I have played FF14 and did enjoy it. I found tons of things to do quest-wise, and I did a little research to figure out which class I wanted to end up with. I also enjoyed aspects of their dungeon system. The commendations from other players at the end of each dungeon were certainly a nice touch. I’m not currently playing because we had to budget our finances, and I chose WoW over both FF14 and SWTOR. SWTOR didn’t make the cut because I kept getting stuck at certain points in a storyline, and didn’t have anyone to assist me in getting past the stick points.
Their player housing (stronghold) system is pretty good, in my opinion, though it is the instanced version, I believe. They have a both a transmog system and a gear dyeing system, which I really enjoyed and kind of wish WoW would or could emulate. So I have 3 WoW subs at the moment…and I certainly hope things here will improve so that I don’t feel pushed to reevaluate where I’m spending my game time and dollars again.
Yoshi P legitimately wants his player base to be happy, and it shows in how they design the game. It’s jarring to compare him to the corporate talking heads running things over here.
Edit: My favorite part of how they dev their game, is that they explain, without condescension, or lying, WHY they are doing something. It’s way easier to swallow some changes I didn’t like in shadowbringers, when they detailed why the change was being made. Contrast with blizzard just making significant changes and never explaining why.
As someone who had played FFXIV for years, maxed every job including crafters - the game is completely subpar to WoW. The only grab it has for WoW players is that it has fresh content for them. Play it for a year and you’ll quickly see that the amount of real content it has is extremely thin. I’ve known people to play XIV for a month or two and already tear through all the content, while it has taken people years to do the same with WoW.
The community is also infinitely more toxic, the transmog system there is better only because it’s free but fails in every sense of the word, and it’s just a massive cash grab. The story had some good highlights to it, but it’s nothing compared to the epic story WoW has forged. The races and classes are minimalist and lackluster, the vanilla graphics without modding are terrible actually.
Sure, the housing system in XIV exists, but its been a broken mess since release and still not fixed to this day. People praise SE for “listening to their community” yet two of the new races they released 2 years ago now still can’t wear visible hats, have absolutely gimped hairstyle choices, and only 1 gender option.
The classes in XIV are forced into their role, like a Warrior MUST be Tank. They don’t have specs, diversity or depth that WoW does. WoW isn’t perfect either, but it has choice, it has reason. The combat is much slower, and yes you can change your class on a whim but the price you pay is again, lack of depth and diversity while being forced into a specific role. I can’t play a Warrior DPS. I can’t play an Astrologian tank.
The MogStation completely blows anything Blizzard has done out of the water. The amount of bots overinflating the currency and SE does nothing about it. Compared to WoW, WoW looks like it has no bots. You can’t pay for your sub with in game currency either. The seasonal events in XIV also are complete garbage compared to WoW’s events.
SE is not better than Blizzard either. Blizzard sure, has pulled some crappy corporate moves, but SE has become complacent. I was a WoW refugee to XIV during BfA cause it sucked so bad but now XIV has fallen into disrepair due to constant homogenization of everything that made the game unique while WoW returns to its roots a bit more. SE has stopped being the community listener it was once, they no longer care for anything but profits.
I’ve done the hard raids. I’ve done Savage content. It’s difficult, but the most difficult thing is the lack of people that can accept criticism and suck at their class. WoW seemingly has far more competent raiders. FF suffers from overbearing people that have a billion and one excuses why they can’t join VC, take all criticism as a personal attack. WoW has this too but not on the level XIV does.
WoW is far superior to XIV in every way imaginable, you people are just simply burned out and unhappy, and need to take a break instead of crying on the forums. Go try XIV, go enjoy it, but to say it’s better than WoW and SE is a saint company is a blatant lie.
One of the things that sticks out to me was them saying the two new races in SB were not going to be able to use a good chunk of the helms in game because they didn’t have the time to finish it. The PB groaned and they “caved” and put in the extra to work to make sure it was done before release.
Uh, what? They STILL can’t use majority of the helms in-game after all this time. I don’t know what you’re talking about my guy. They can equip them, but vast majority do not appear. It’s like an automatic Hide Helm.
I would completely disagree with you there, but we haven’t had the same experinces, but it’s the complete opposite for me. Honestly, I can only recall having one negative/toxic in FFXIV I can recall several in WOW. Sure, I’ve put more time in WOW but I’ve put in a good amount of time in FFXIV as well.
i think they do it better, sure there is a lot of items in their cash shop, which i guess is your issue, but almost everything in the cash shop in their game was available in game at some point. can’t really say that about wow can you?
I can agree with you there, presonally found it weird the warrior tanks but uses a 2 handed weapon and no shield. Seemed weird.
Can you play a tank Priest in wow? or any caster for that matter? No? Weird.
Yeah, but tbf the way WoW handles collecting mogs is better than the way FFXIV handles collecting mogs.
Clearly you haven’t played Shadowbringers. Also
It gets faster and more coherent the higher the level you go.
Basically. Pretty much every MMO except WoW has or had some kind of player housing system, yet WoW refuses to add one.
Right, but it would be the same MMO set in 3 different universes because Blizzard doesn’t learn.
I’m also going to point out something. WoW struggles to get out 3 major patches an xpac right? FFXIV does a X.0.5, X.1, X.1.5, X.2, X.2.5, X.3, X.3.5, X.4, X.4.5, X.5 and X.5.5 each xpac. On top of hot fixes. Like for real, FFXIV is constantly adding just more and more and more content.
Uh clearly you didn’t read my post, I mentioned it was a few years ago. A lot probably has changed, but it’d take WoW going really bad before I’d ditch and switch.
What an odd comment. Do you play alone to avoid having to interact with other people?
why not both? (except if u pov ofc)
Maybe people enjoy having a dev team that actually communicates with the players and that adds content that was made to be enjoyed rather than prolong game play.
They are weebs. And know they are, and know that the only way to hurt some players is to say that a weeb game is better than an stadard fantasy game
I playing ESO and GW2 so there!
The guy above you posted as a midget fox with 2 legs. Is that not Weeb enough for you?
/10 char
WoW was my first MMO, but every now and then I would try other games to see what they were like and this is what I felt:
Perfect World: P2W. Nuff said
Rift: Nice story and good community - until there wasn’t
Wildstar: Loved it! Was sad to see it go
Elder Scrolls Online: Joined it because a friend that has a lifetime account asked me to. I got bored so fast…
Final Fantasy XIV: As a fan of the series, I really enjoyed it. I even upgraded my PC just so I could play it. The graphics are superior to WoW’s. The music is obviously better (lots of it are remixes of Nobuo’s originals!). The class/job system was really fun to work with. The thing I didn’t like: Forced instances where you had to work with others. More often than not, they were people that had already done them ten or so times and would get very angry if you didn’t know exactly how to do everything (according to their YouTube lessons).
EverQuest: I know, right. I guess we all had to go through that phase at one time or another…
I advertise Lord of the rings online
Oh yeah - I played that too - for about a day.
Its epic stories are good. Specially Mines of Moria
Wouldn’t be AOTC if i did eh. Wow generally, for good or worse has a more cuthroat community as opposed to ff14 where criticising/ giving feedback is frowned upon lmao.