Quit railing frost mages on nerfs, they deserve a stun

Can we just talk about how they nerf classes that they believe are “broken” and instead of buffing those classes that underperform they end up OVERTUNING classes like ret pallies. I played mage and they nerf the hell out of them consistently cant even have fun on a class that inevitably does take skill and same with rogues. Instead they buff these braindead classes like rets, hunters, shammies, and no offense to locks but warlocks too. They just buff classes that don’t need buffs and when classes are in a decent state they nerf them to hell and back because it’s not the “meta”.
I’ve played wow for many years and have never seen the game not have rmp as the top 3s, (it should speak volumes as to how undertuned mages and rogues are now that rmp isn’t even viable anymore, you’re forced to play a certain spec.) it’s a great comp and now after years of it taking skill and being a good comp it is absolute dog water. Every comp you’ll see this year has a ret pally if not two and a holy pally, or a resto sham. Broken classes that legit keep getting buffed.

I think honestly blizzard devs need to play high rated games in order to even balance pvp out, that’s the problem is it’s a company that doesn’t enjoy their game and if they do they’re casual players who are probably the ones crying and complaining about a glacial or a chaos bolt when they’re in elwynn forest, they are casual pve players (which by the way are line able and kickable yet guess what got nerfed out of the lock vs mage- mage did as they always do the last 2-3 expansions.) I feel like I’m constantly pointing this out to mutuals who pvp and even stream and lots of streamers, rank 1s, multi-glads, and even people who dev see the imbalance in pvp and in most classes. The meta isn’t to play what you’re good at, but who can out damage the other first and who can one-shot in a global, it caters mainly to heavy melee cleaves and I think it’s actually what we’ve come down to with blizzard, they don’t care if you enjoy your class they only care about what is “popular”. All of these ret pallies hitting 3k cr when they’ve never even surpassed 1700 speaks volumes to the community and blizzard just isn’t listening.

To those who have read my obnoxious rant; the point is how you’re practically forced to play what is the “majority”. Casters can be lined, can be kicked, they can be constantly purged by braindead shammies, they can be cc’d constantly, shadowmeld a chaos bolt or glacial, grounding totem, you have all these stops for these caster classes and they’re the ones who get dumped on the most.
Nerfing all these classes utilities that depend on it for survivability is just so wild to me lol.
For the love of god give frost mages deep freeze back or a stun only class who truly doesn’t have a stun and a class that genuinely takes skill.


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wish there was a 30% off of my time reading all the nerfs they give to mages and caster classes

You do realize that no high ranked frost mages run that and neither do low rated mages? There’s a good reason and explanation. Our class is designed to run away from melee players and not play in their face to land a little stun. Reading your response to oats complaint I told myself this must be a warrior player and that’s exactly what you are. They should give me your storm bolt since I’m a caster and I actually need a ranged stun that goes along my class/spec and they should give the warrior the snowdrift ability/stun since your class is designed to be up someone’s face without getting punished and absolutely destroyed and even then i’d feel bad for you because good luck landing that stun in 3 seconds without getting kited since it’s not an instant stun and basically a channel that everyone can notice. Well that’s exactly how a mage feels, difference is we don’t have 2 charges and a heroic leap to stick on someone. Yes we have blinks but they don’t land exactly on top of someone like a charge is designed to do and it’s easy for you to do damage all while applying snowdrift as you don’t have to cast to do damage while a mage does so how do you expect a caster to stick on someone for 3 seconds without being kited and not being railed/punished? plus I bet you’d prefer your stormbolt that is on demand (doesn’t require 3 seconds to land where everyone can see what you’re trying to do. It’s predictable and thus easy to avoid. Also to be noted snowdrift isn’t applicable to off targets unlike 90% of stuns in the game. Players like you are the reason this game is dying because you can’t even understand issues within the game. You must be the type of player that I plant my flag of ownership on without needing/having a stun but guess what? against actual good warriors I wouldn’t say that I need a stun but it would be helpful in most pvp situations and fair play because every class has a stun.


Sir it’s a stupid meme.


bahaha but fr though like mages just can’t be balanced and have fun at the same time they just get nerfed, just my salty little mage tears

Fixed that for you.

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Oh no someone made a constructive comment and you decide to be ignorant and childish when there’s an actual issue within the game, stay on classic.

Yes, a stun like Stormbolt, and a root when you blink through targets on a different DR than your other roots.

Add in a type of shield that explodes for a bunch of damage when people break through it too, maybe some self heals…

Wait I think I’m just creating a war/ret caster hybrid

:rofl: this game man can’t make this stuff up :skull:

I’d hardly call what that was constructive.

Wouldn’t say ignorant. I just don’t care about mage issues since the god class could use a bad season or two like the rest of us.

There’s tons of issues in the game. Mages needing a stun isn’t one of them despite what Xyaru says.

It’s funny mage players are saying this stuff like the class hasn’t been ridiculous for years now.

I wouldn’t know, I think they were pretty well balanced last patch. Now they seem pretty awful. I actually think my suggestions would help them, it’s also mocking how absolutely busted melee, specifically warriors and rets are atm. At this point it should be considered for mages ‘ice block’ to let them cast abilities for the entire duration too.


The class has had tons of bad seasons lmfao like they’re awful look at the ladder or look at how many comps you see with mages, and this is coming from a huntard? homie, hunters have been great for years and are always up in ladders and rating. Please point out one season or one expansion hunters get dog walked with nerfs and are practically unplayable? hunters take no skill to play and are broken classes even now. The people who cry about mage being broken will be the same ones crying about getting GCD by a ret pally’s 160k final verdict like that’s healthy for the game. :crazy_face:
Mages were balanced for a while and that’s totally fine and that’s what this post is about, there was nothing “broken” or “unhealthy” about frost mages.

Yeah that’s pretty obvious.

Last patch and mage being insane for years aren’t the same. It’s only recently in DF that mages are actually at a reasonable level of strength and mage players can’t take it.

Bad melee beat bad casters and good casters beat good melee.

Rets in its own category and there’s no point in comparing anything to them currently. Absolutely fried to try and use them to justify buffing anything else.

Also block and casting is fried.

Funny joke.

Ladder representation doesn’t equal class strength.

A fair few but thankfully not as many before considering the class is no longer s+++++ tier.


You say this like mages haven’t been too.

Nothing in this game takes any skill to play anymore.

Lmao mage mains.

You should read this back a few times and think about what you’re trying to say.

Mages were busted for years and are now finally where they should be. The class doesn’t need any kind of buffs outside of fire getting some damage moved out of combusted and into its sustain.

There’s several design wise but I don’t expect a mage main to understand them.

Im not even a mage main i can tell you’re malding at your pc rn with your mtn dew 2liter filled up

Kennie ngl, that post transcends being a “stupid meme”. Definitely some of your best work, even with that being your thing.



Yeah, I didn’t play any previous stuff.

What was different, exactly, from prior to now and DF?

If that were true, how come melee were at the top even prior to the patch? Arms wars, DHs, rogues, etc. There were an equal amounts of rets 2.4k+ as frost mages, too.

Yeah, I am sort of mocking how absurd it is. Lotta nerfs are needed for a lot of classes/specs, almost entirely melee, then at least BM hunters, and locks.

That’s some serious projection you got goin on.

Mages have been far too tanky for years while also having insane control and extremely toxic damage profiles. It was at a point last expansion where a mage wasn’t even a viable kill target for awhile because of triune unless you had purge spam to deal with it and even then it was hard.

The class just gets too many things handed to them for free over the years and this being the first time in forever where all 3 specs are actually not insane is frankly a blessing.

It’s not an if. It IS true. If you’re talking about shuffle rating then the simple fact is shuffles frankly a bad bracket that encourages awful habit and gameplay which is perfect for bad melee to run over bad casters with and allows them to climb higher easier. But at the top end casters absolutely farm.

The only real major thing every melee needs is mobility nerfs. The mobility arms race has been extremely unhealthy for the game and the resulting changes to make casters have so much hard casting because of melee uptime and micro cc isn’t great for the game.