Quick solution to blue eye thing

Void elves were the most successful statistically speaking. And they are the closest to them.


They gave Alliance all the good racial traits.

Your cosmetics pet peeves mean nothing. It’s a player made issue solved by players.


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It would already help if we didn’t have our capitals demolished to the ground in such a devastating way routinely over and over again, see the horde always do this without any damage, have our leaders forget basic things like the blight and fall into 3 traps in a row on the same day, see that moral funeral at the embassy after our canonical victory or not receiving races that are more of a joke and embarrassment would also be at least something positive.

But we had it all in BfA and frankly, if the alliance could be saved by attractive breeds, purple blood elves would have already done so despite kultiras and junkgnomes, and the placebo doesn’t seem to have done much anyway.

But when not even something that inspires more hype for ally can be done or imagined in the same way that devs seem to do for the horde, we can only hope for what we have, since what went on in BfA for ally has no appeal .

The horde can’t get enough of saying that and making fun of how boring we are.

And since there won’t be much going on in Shadowlands, I don’t expect much change.

Have Mercy

You should try playing both sides. The Horde have been decimated Lore-wise since Pandaria. BfA has not been fun or pleasant for us while we’ve watched beloved Lore characters re-written, our Leadership in turmoil, and our characters vilified and forced down paths we do not wish to tread.

Neither the Horde players nor the Alliance players have been ‘Heroes’ for a long time.

Blizzard have mercy…


Alliance destroyed Undercity.

Saurfang is dead.


Oh poor you…


You were duplicated in the alliance.
In the shameless purple variety.

It would be unfortunate were that to happen again. You certainly wouldn’t want to misrepresent the Alliance with yet another Horde race.

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Alliance get High Elves, Horde get Eredar.

Aww yeah boys, finna get my waggle on in Orgrimmar.

I dont know! Maybe Blizzard will paint ogres blue and give them to Ally?

You mean how lorderon is completely inhabitable? I guess raiding orgrimmar wasn’t good enough for you?

Oh trust me, Blizzard’s writing is terrible for horde as well…it’s not just alliance, no need to play victim.

At least it’s just your opinion their appearance is and not their actual racial talents being a joke like the hordes races…

Void elves are already the most played AR out of all of them…so I mean…what more do you want? You have OP racials, the most played AR?

Blood elves have had blue eyes in the past and it was already stated long ago they would get them again over time… :roll_eyes:

Yeah, so boring with your bee mount, your free heroic ilvl raiding gear for 8 weeks, and all the other unfair advantages you guys get on top of the best PvE and PvP racials. :roll_eyes: all while horde get terrible racials and all their racials nerfed across the board. Some of their racials nerfed 3 times before they were even made playable on their ARs…

This was not an act of any weapon of the alliance.
His Lich Queen used scorched earth, as he wanted to kill the greatest number of enemies. Nor can ally destroy the city.

To help the horde regain its capital twice?
First after Theramore and then Teldrassil? LOL
It was as satisfying as having done all of this in the place being as destroyed as Dazaralor.

Only the factionthat ended with a promise of reconstruction was the horde.
For the alliance, it was left to pick up the pieces after that unifying meeting at the embassy.

It does not seem to impress players that Blizzard has given something to breeds that arouse nothing more than cheap laughs.

That weren’t blood elves.

And yet, nothing has changed. Better racials alone will not improve anything at ally, even if linked to the Sindorei model.
And Blizzard is unlikely to do anything better.

I didn’t mean the blue eyes of blood elves

These are Blizzard’s pleasures trying to keep ally alive after so many curved balls on our backs, and none of these things were asked for by ally.

Ally wanted the bee as much as the Horde, but it was Blizzard who decided to make Ally exclusive.

I have a vulpera and the bee would have been perfect for him.
After seeing that I couldn’t use it, I didn’t even go on the quests to earn this mount.

If you want better racials, the alliance is waiting for you.
And we have bees!

Here’s a solution: Make Forest Trolls playable, as Alliance. Would be kinda funny.

Can we have this race in lilac color?

You didn’t say it had to be because of the alliance. :roll_eyes:

So you’re mad because the horde always has a bad story line and their capitol gets taken over all the time? Yeah, must suck to never have that happen to your faction. :roll_eyes:

Then play the horde if you like horde stuff better?

We’ll make sure Blizzard calls you before they add anymore alliance ARs okay?


What more do you want? You literally got the best racials in the game, Blizzard spoon fed you heroic ilvl raiding gear for 8 weeks straight, they gave you exclusive mounts, what more do you want? You sound extremely entitled.

And It’s still not good enough for you.

Well once again, that’s YOUR opinion you didn’t care about it. Tons of people did. You can’t please them all. If you’re so unhappy with alliance stuff, play horde. If you don’t want to play horde, find a new game?


Hey I’m human! I’m just…a dead human >_> And come Shadowlands I can hide my bones and look even more like a…dead human.

That is true. Horde really has had a lot of Alliance stuff awkwardly shoehorned onto their side. Enough so that the whole “the faction divide is important!” line comes across as very hollow.

I’m still a bit upset that Blizzards actions to fluff the Horde full of stuff, even at the expense of the Alliance, has almost completely retroactively made Warcraft III into “Horde: the Game”.

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Ahh of course! The horde destroys Teldrassil.
Why would we take our army there if it would be enough to ask Sylvannas to destroy Undiecity

If that means you can destroy Silvermoon or Azshara and still laugh at the horde, with our capitals unharmed?
Really, it is regrettable that we can never do anything execrable and leave a verbal warning and leave the horde having to pick up the pieces.

I already do that. It has its compensations. Staying close to trolls, blood elves and orcs is not one of them.

Let me guess! I can choose anything that is a recolor or a horse, right?


Blizzard did it all, in the wrong way and to no avail.
It didn’t make ally more interesting.
This did not change opinion or add a sense of value.
Ally at this point does not inspire competitive players with just that and in Shadowland, it will be kind of difficult to change ally only to receive things that the horde likes but are not in the faction that the horde does not like.

Because it didn’t bring any benefit to ally, and as I already said, I wanted to use it either on my tauren or on my vulpera.
It was another failed attempt by blizzard to compensate / value the alliance that only generated another excuse for the horde to add to the better racials that don’t matter to them for being in the faction they don’t like history, races or that don’t have a pvp community / healthy pve to be important.

No one will leave the horde for ally, for better racials, the way ally is today. The opposite is more likely.

I am dissatisfied that it is in lore, whether in pvp or pve, we are always seen as second class and this is kept so because it is not possible to take actions that hurt the horde but things are always done contrary to what could be less discouraging in the ally.

Do devs seem to be interested in at least doing something more in tune with what the players have been talking about? It seems so.

Yeah … we Are High elves too!!! I want my blond hair and peach skin ton!

Actually, it’s a great move, a great idea and a great way to(hopefully) put a stop to all the requests for high elves from the Alliance. Blood Elves are High Elves, end discussion. Good job Ion!

Now I reckon I’ll have to change the color of all my High, err, Blood Elf characters.

Semper Fi! :us:

Because they ate Willy Wonka’s chewing gum so they HAS to be blue.

I gave you lore. I didn’t say anything about being worried about anything. Your lecture was a waste.