Queuing without full honor gear is selfish

holy hell you keep getting worse and worse. Its bad enough you premade vs randos. Thats just sad. But then you drag it out? Pathetic

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So the people here DON’T know he does this?? LMFAO. This clown has his premade farm the other team in and beyond the field of strife while he sits in the chokepoint BEHIND ice blood under non stop flare surrounded by stealthies. Absolute clown behavior. I’m sure plays this way 95% of the time. And this is just with a short interaction with him where I recognized the name, I can’t even imagine how he plays the other 99% of the time I’m not in his games.

Nah, we don’t drag it out. We do objectives and push. We don’t zerg the boss.

Sounds like you’re just mad we don’t let you zerg to our boss.


How dare you put flares down and stuff?!


Flat out wrong. No, you sit comfortably in a chokepoint until the tickets dwindle down. I’ve seen it. Now isn’t the time to lie. I already think you’re a clown, don’t turn everyone else against you. But you can understand why you lack of credibility right? You take the simplest, most casual game mode in WOW, notorious for being infested with under geared noobs, and you turn it into a sweat fest with your premades and pathetic playstyle. But running to the forums to act like you’re an integral BG player and claiming you DON’T do these things is laughable and flat out wrong.

What’s funny is lately I’ve been with the push most of the time, I have other hunters watching the choke while we push the next gy.

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So brave. I’m sure that’s the furthest you’ve endeavored into AV on your own. Big Spooky game.


No, what you claim is incorrect. We don’t sit IBT the whole game. I have no need to lie. You’re pretty worked up about being denied a zerg kill. If you’re so high and mighty with your arena and rbg rating, why are you bothering with us “clowns” in epics? Aren’t we beneath you?

As a troll, I pride myself on this. At least I’m not so insecure I need to hide my main.

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Well yeah, it’s called epics for a reason. Go back to your arenas and pillar hump.

How come you don’t post on your main?

A person that plays a SINGLE rated match at 0 MMR in any bracket, win or lose, is above you in wow hierarchy. By the very nature of your pathetic premades and your playstyle, you are at the absolute bottom of the totem poll in terms of respect from other plays and individual skill. You know this. This is why you premade and sweat in Epic BGs.

You denied a pickup group’s zerg attempt? With a premade? Congrats. I would honestly hope so. What exactly is the accomplishment you’re touting here?

I’m not claiming anything is impressive. You’re the one going on about rating with your impressive 118 honor level over there. Excuse me while I giggle a bit. You sound like a bad rogue or druid who can’t get around some flares…

I don’t EXACTLY because it matters to clowns like you. Sit there and seethe. I’m way beyond a hard stuck Challenger so you can go take a lap. None of that changes the points I’m trying to make, thus, the alt.

Trimac #1530

I will log on tonight, come show me on your main what a clown I am.

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See, This is the part you wanted to get to. You didn’t want to put any intellectual effort into arguing against the points I’ve made. LOL. You just wanted to duel to prove your ego is higher than your pvp rating.

Again, way higher than a hard stuck challenger

He’s got more cujones than you do clearly.

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You stated we are hard stuck at Challenger so I take it your main is Glad. So come show me your Glad skills bro, put me in my place.

Trimac #1530

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I think they big mad cause we must have slapped their baby hunter around.