Queuing without full honor gear is selfish

Homeslice, no one is taking junk player in rated content.

I found out this is less effective then going in naked at 70 in EBG’s. Regular BG’s 61-69 can be frustrating.

Yeah, it can. I recently boosted a DK, got them to stop at 68, so I could farm some honor.

Only got to about 4k before I decided to level completely.

But I could funnel boxes and honor tokens to him from this toon.

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That’s what I did, get to 67 and level through battlegrounds to 70. The honor was more of a bonus, but the twink in that bracket make it no different than being undergeared at 70.

Now I just bite the bullet, get a couple pieces of 424 with trinkets and hop in siege/turrets.

Old topic, new expansion. If you think people are selfish for not having full PvP Blues in Random PvP you are daft. Does it suck? Yes but it is a Blizzard Issue and not a player issue.

Blizz should fix their gear scaling. They have it so that items below 359 but above 312 get scaled to 359. They just need to change it that all items below 400ilvl get scaled to 400ilvl and increase it every patch to keep up with gear.

Why is buying green gear for 900g a piece a difficult concept? Buy green gear, que epics.
This topic doesnt need a 50 reply discussion frfr


i dont even do this on my new alts i just go in :wink:


Im gonna just go in :wink:

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:eyes: :wink: :smirk: :dracthyr_comfy_sip: :dracthyr_nod:

/10 chars

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What if your only character is the one you are trying to gear?

Get honor from world PvP I imagine

Spend weeks trying to get honor badges and world pvp honor? LMAO! Best idea out there right here.

Random BG’s are for gearing up. That’s it.


It was meant as a joke as what OP is suggesting is ludicrous.

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Ok, phew, that was funny indeed.


You got me, but tbf back in mop you could get full honour gear without ever entering a bg by converting JP into honour.

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Because pre-70 BGs are not balanced. I don’t think Trashivision/Blizzard cares to even attempt to balance the pre-70 PVP modes. If you are not playing a MM hunter you will get stomped by them.

Not really true at all. I’ve done well on various specs in the 19 - 49 brackets. And these low level brackets are less imbalanced that pitting a sub-500k HP player against fully PvP geared players in level cap BGs.

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They should of added a similar thing to open world ashran or at least an area that promotes world pvp like back in BFA when everyone fought in Naj.