Questions from a new Warrior

Casual, with no interest (at all) in raid tanking or TBC.

Though I am keen tanking dungeons, including capped content such as DM and UBRS, while also wanting the option to DPS effectively, if the need arises.

I do understand the need to gear, depending on what I’m running, and have seen a number of builds, including heavy Arms and/or Fury, with 15-20 in Prot, and genuinely curious if this would be preferable considering the strength of the Prot tree.

Would it be problematic to run a purely DPS build, while geared for tanking (shield), to take on the role of dungeon tanking. What would I expect in such a scenario?

In your experience, what options have worked out?

Thanks :metal:

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I leveled up as arms, actually easier to tank lvling dungeons because you can use charge due to saving rage when you switch stances, but idk if fury is actually better.

But at end game there’s a fury/prot build, where you dual wield but then slap on a shield to avoid big damage. That’s your go to, and it will let you tank, and dps ok if you need to.

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Yeah, there’s a number of specs I’ve looked at.

31/5/15 looks solid, as does the 0/31/20 (missing Tact Mastery).
I’m also curious as to how a 20/31/0, or 31/20/0 would run while taking advantage of shield and stance when needed.

Not problematic at all.

I’d have a look at Elite’s Warrior Tanking Guide as it’s a great introduction to tanking WoW Classic instances for new warriors.


Fantastic guide!
Thank you!!!

I think when I first leveled my warrior I tanked 5 mans the whole way through as arms/fury
so really its not a problem as long as youre aware when youre taking a lot of incoming damage and having a shield + 1hand equip macro ready

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always go arms. mortal strike is THE warrior ability

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Running 31/20 would be more preferable if I was Sword and Board (I was swaying in this direction)? Mortal Strike on a 1H is ok in comparison to Bloodthirst?

Another question, as I’m concerned with snap AoE aggro:

Starting the pull in Battle Stance, Charge in, Thunder Clap, Defensive Stance, Demoralising Shout (and Battle Shout if needed), then proceed to stack Sunder Armour through the mobs?

I’ve read that the Shout’s have been nerfed. Would it be worth still using for aggro? If the mobs are debuffed (by Demo), can I continue spamming Demo for added AoE threat?

not in arms, that only works when you have the extra threat talent from prot. when youre arms just charge in, blood rage, battle shout, sweeping strikes and whirlwind. after that use mortal strike, cleave and ww on cd. you will generate a ton of threat and its a lot of fun tanking dungeons this way. you can tank all end game dungeons doing this too. make a macro for sword and board for when things get hairy and switch back when youre good.

get a good 2hander, ww axe is good till 60 but not ideal. executioners cleaver imo is the best 2h weapon for when youre leveling past 40. there are other more pricier options but cleaver is better all around cuz it has hit too

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So switch to Defensive when it gets rough, otherwise I just take advantage of abilities from the other stances? Whirlwind from Berserker Stance?

In that method without Prot talents, I’ll mostly be switching between Berserk and Battle?

you can make a macro to swap to dstance and equip your sword n board at the same time. i have two separate ones, one just for dstance for when i need to taunt, and another one to switch to battle and equip my 2h again. it takes a little practice to get the hang of it but once you get it down warrior becomes your favorite class. fury dps after you get good gear is even more fun. warrior is the most fun class in the game bar none. have fun dude

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while leveling just go arms and get sweeping strikes, super fun ability. use a 2hander unless its a hard dungeon or healer is weak. sweeping strikes and cleave melts stuff hard, watch those numbers fly all over the place. Thinking about it makes me want to make another warrior.

If youre dpsing stay in berserk and tanking in defensive stance as much as you can but take advantage of tactical mastery and “stance dance”
Switching into berserk firing off a whirlwind and switching back to defensive stance.
You can do this to get extra rage or avoid an incoming fear with berserk rage.

Do this only when you have a gcd available and try to stay in defense as default.
If you’re a keener and have a swing timer addon you can fire off a whirlwind and be back in defensive stance and not take a hit in berserk stance

And the same applies to neutral stance abilities too.
Its a fun way to play

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