Question on Corrupted gear

So I recently got rank 3 infinite stars and rank 3 tentacle/mind flay. When I sim both of them the dps is like 600 apart with mind flay barely being ahead. Since it’s almost the exact same dps, does anyone know which hits harder in pvp? That will be my deciding factor on which piece I wear.

its not something you sim for pvp.

That being said, use the basic knowledge.

One is an on hit effect + a debuff that stacks. Does mini aoe.
Other is a tentacle doing a “mind flay” . Dmg over time. Single target.

With that, the aoe could break a close by CC and the mind flay could break your duel cc.

Rogue big role is to provide some chain CC, not fully dmg. This is but a basic tinkering on your question.

Stars by a mile in pvp