Question for forum moderators

Found it.

Sorry Vrakthris.


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are all the CC members just shouting into an endless void nowadays


NGL, I would buy that cup.


I thought there was one more recent than that, but it’s good to know that policy there hasn’t changed.

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I don’t know. Nothing has been mentioned about it, so I assume those running it don’t have the bandwidth to do that kind of thing anymore. There’s less back and forth than I expected, not that I expected a lot, but we don’t hear from them often.


well at least the last QnA gave us an idea of how they see legacy raids soloability

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Do you go to Starbucks often? I don’t but I feel like I see cups similar to that every time I walk buy Target Stabucks

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It’s been flagged, so obviously the forum moderators will see this thread, nothing can be done about that now.

And if someone creates a troll thread and it draws other trolls to it, isn’t that the point? I’m just generally curious why the instigator then complains about other trolls when they were trolling in the first place.

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I’m not a troll I just wanted ideas for my new name :confused:

I go to both quite a lot so thanks for the info, much appreciated.

to be fair it was a good opportunity for the forum discord to stay in the shadows and not so blatantly expose themselves and they blew it. like moths to a flame


I’ve been going to starbucks a lot less since I figured out how to cold brew at home.

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oh no. now they know about the super secret bread discord.

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Everyone flocks to threads like this, if you don’t you miss out on the fun.


Welp I guess I better throw a reply in since I’m one of the ones who is “bullying” :joy:

It’s hurte being hurte.
That is all.

It’s pretty funny though because he thinks it’s okay to follow people around the forums and harass them and spam threads and get them locked and then throw out a white knighting post calling out “bullies”.

Someone should tell him it’s not Sunday anymore.


This thread is only evidence, you seem to continue to attack me while other people are talking about starbucks. clearly, they are your buddies.


Yeah, if this were posted during business hours instead of at midnight, it probably would have already been taken down.

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I mean it’s a pretty solid bait. We’re cruising up towards 200 pretty fast.

What else is there to do in the middle of the night before you go to bed. But look at topics that make you want to find where your living brain cells leaked out on to the floor at?

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