Question about vanish

Is vanish supposed to reset the target to 100% health?

How are you using vanish?

Are you using it to get away? Or are you using it for a MA refresh?

It said I could enter stealth in combat so I was trying to use it for a shadowstrike.

Vanish drops combat so if you’re not super fast with the shadowstrike then the mob resets.

Usually you want to save it for an escape.


Thank you!

You should be using Shadow Dance for this during combat.

As said above, if the you are the only one attacking the mob, Vanish will cause you drop combat and force the target to reset.

On the plus side, this is a great way to drop aggro if you accidentally pull an unintended mob or boss.

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Their rogue might not have dance unlocked which is why they may have used vanish to try and use it.

I had Shadow Dance but it was on cooldown. I saw this on Icy Veins: “Use Vanish on cooldown outside of Shadow Dance and cast Shadowstrike”. I just misunderstood or didn’t realize it was talking about group fights. I’ve changed over to Outlaw spec now. It’s easier for me to pull off. Thanks for the help!

Ivey veins is actually talking about raid fights.

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Icy Veins refers to integrating Vanish into your raid rotation. In this case Vanish is used as a DPS cool down. You use it to trigger abilities like Subterfuge or Master Assassin, which in turn buff abilities like Garrote or Ambush when used from stealth.


Or to cast a Shadowstrike instead of a backstab…

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