Question about the Old Gods

  • I see many players asking for a full Old God theme expansion, in which we’d assume a Horde+Alliance vs Old God theme, however, would it be possible one Old God be battling against each other? Has it ever happened before in lore? Maybe for power,dominance or other motivation?

  • Would it be possible for two (or more) Old Gods to merge into a single, even more powerful entity?

  • Are Old Gods even capable of having a Visage form just like the Dragon Aspects? If so, how would they look like?



The Old Gods did go against each other before the Titans arrived.

This is an interesting idea and I’d like to see something like this happen.




So in the beggining when it was just the Old Gods they vied for supremacy, each had their own army and were waring and schemeing against one another. When the Titans came it forced them to work together. Xal’atath calls N’Zoth the weakest of her brothers. We don’t know much about Xal’atath’s power levels but it seems like her brothers all ploted to lock her away in the blade she occupied until she was released in BFA.

I have theories about why N’Zoth chose us to be his champions, but I am not ready to share them.

Possibly? it’s hard to know for sure. Xal’atath was able to take an elf form and Yogg-Saron was actually called the “fiend of a thousand faces” due to his ability to take on the appearance of the dead. He appears as a vrykul woman at the start of his raid.

Dansuer recently had a DF interview where he talked about ‘manifestations’ relating the the Old Gods. So it wouldn’t be the same as a Visage where the dragon is magically projecting an image of itself. I believe the definition is “a version or incarnation of something or someone.” it would be a physical manrfestation of Old God Visions. Like a vision of a different reality where they were able to manifest as people. Old Gods themselves are just the 3D manifestations of 4D Void Lords that exist outside of our realm of understanding.


Like mention by the others before that’s sadly all that we know of Old Gods.

Maybe we get to see or learn more in DF, hopefully… however all the answers to our questions about the Old Gods are probably in the past before the Titans arrived on Azeroth.

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Yeah, power domination etc. Warlord Zon’ozz led the armies of N’zoth against C’thun and Yogg-saron. N’zoth lost a battle to Y’shaarj. Which Xal’atath (the entity) implies that it benefited N’zoth in the long run. As Y’shaarj was ripped out of the planet because it was the strongest Old God at the time.

Don’t know. We have nothing to go off with that.

The closest we have to this is Yogg-saron and his Sara disguise. Old Gods can project aspects of themselves and use those to manipulate people. Yogg-saron also did by posing as Sif, in order to blackmail Loken (as Loken had killed Sif) into doing its bidding. N’zoth also projects itself into a fish when trying to bargain with Azshara following the War of the Ancients.

Didn’t Xal’atath do this by placing a part of her soul into the body of a dead elf though? At least that is what it looked like. She was still bound to the dagger until N’zoth freed her from it.


Yeah I think that’s how they do it. Sara is presumably a corpse Yogg-Saron was puppeting just like he was puppeting Sif. I’ve seen some theories that Silas Darkmoon is Y’shaarj.


Blizzard has indeed had fun with the whole ‘Darkmoon Faire is an old god cult’ theory with Hearthstone. Having an expansion focused on the Faire AND the Old Gods. I am expecting Blizzard will link the Faire to Shadreen at some point in some way. Like they did with the Trial of Style (by having the judges be servents of hers) and the Brawlers Guild. Where she sent a spy (Xan-Sallish) to see how we fight etc. Xan-Shallish was the one who assassinated the original reward vendors as well.


I’ve seen some speculation that the Island the Darkmoon Faire is on is the dark woods from Yogg-Saron’s puzzle box. It’s a fun speculation.


I always thought it was that forest we go to during the Uuna storyline.

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That’s another theory. Really, we don’t know where the forest the puzzle box was referring to is.

The Black Forest could be anywhere: the Dark Forest that is in the Uuna Storyline, the Emerald Nightmare in Dragonflight and Darkmoon Island.

As far as I know — Before the Titans rocked up, that’s what they were doing. They were vying for full control & domination of the world against one another.

After the titans yanked Y’shaarj out of the planet & unleashed the titanforged upon them, they had a quick mutually beneficial alliance to battle them - After they lost, they decided to make that temporary alliance something more, and thus the trinity of the old gods was formed.

If the speculation of Xal’atath being an old-goddess in the past holds any truth to it, then perhaps – which would simply come by possessing a void-touched vessel to hold their being within.

Yogg-Saron had Sara… If that counts for anything