Question about servers

Um I don’t know if this has been asked, but how is Classic going to work in terms of servers is there going to be a PVP server, an RP server etc?

Most likely the same way it did originally

PVP, PVE and RP-PVE. No RP-PVP at this time.

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No RP-PVP (yet) and no idea on Oceanic realms.

Because you didn’t read the pinned post at the top of the forum.


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None of the topics were “What servers will there be?” which to me is kind of one of the most important questions

That would fall under EVERYTHING. See above.


But I wasn’t everything, I was after a very specific question, which is more important than all the other ‘everything’ nonsense that doesn’t matter.

To me, a specific topic to do with servers should be on the main page.

It is. In the pinned post at the top of the forum.


No, there is no subject in the pinned posts, that says “this is what servers will be on Classic”!!

Not in the title, that’s the point.

Which is irrelevant. The entire purpose of the Everything we know thread (which was pinned by Blizzard months ago) was to consolidate topics that have been discussed and which (mostly) have answers from Blizzard sources.

Also, there is a search function. Just because a thread doesn’t specifically say SERVER TYPES at the top of the page doesn’t mean the information isn’t there.


Listen the point is, if I want to make a thread about something very specific, I can!!

And to be quite honest, knowing what servers there is FAR more important than knowing all the other trivial nonsense about Classic to me, it really is THE most important question, as the most important decision in wow you will ever make is what server you play on.

Which was answered numerous times and is included in a post on the top of the forum. You didn’t even bother to look.

This is especially silly given that your thread title doesn’t even suggest it’s about server TYPE.


So there will be pvp,pve and rp, they haven’t said they will do rp pvp yet sadly

Well it’s a question about servers.