Quest Text getting harder to read?

lol…sometimes the quest text feels like a 6 year old kid wrote it.
I dont need my hand held or anything, but some times it really seems like rambling more than instruction, as the OP says.
The wife will be over there nearly cussing about it…I remind her every time to go check WH comments.
I think bliz wants us to figure it out, but with WH theres no reason to. So just be a bit more clear from the start.

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I can see your point op,yeah,they don’t tell you in a quest what it is you need to do and what to get.,then on top make it look like it’s a scientific experiment with misspelling and long wording,instead of simple .“We need more bear flank”!

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There’s an add-on called Immersion ( which can help with that.

It breaks monotone quest text into digestible chunks that are easier to read

I need glasses for sure I can’t even read that.

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the trick is not to read - just follow the markers :wink:

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It’s not even hard to rewrite this in a more coherent way. Example:

"Did you see this winged creature just fall from the sky? I’m not familiar with such a creature, so it must not be native to the Dragon Isles.

I met Harleen Chirpside, a punchy little Goblin, yesterday on her way to the Bluefeather Cliffs above us. I suspect she would be more knowledgable than myself about this sort of thing. Why don’t you locate her and ask her about this strange winged creature we discovered?"

Quest… Text…?

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Ok,follow the markers and don’t know what I’m doing doesn’t make sense.<here we go again. :rofl:

I have noticed this too. Sometimes they appear to ramble like an Alzheimer’s patient. Throw a lot of stuff at you that is irrelevant and then be very unclear what they want. The quests in the past seemed more like a mystery slowly unfolding, and it peaked your interest, but seems like today’s quest just ramble. Often I get confused, and just open the map and hover over the shaded area for that quest, and let the pop up tool let me know what needs done.

“WTF…? What did she say about sweaters? Wait a minute, some animal bit her kid? Why was she way on top of a mountain? What do you mean she comes from a long line of weavers? Why is the fact she is an insomniac relevant at all??”

Then the quest actually ends up being:

[[Go around the corner of the building and talk to so-and-so…]]

SERIOUSLY?? Why didn’t she just point to the other guy and say, “Go talk to him.” ??

I swear they fired their creative storytellers, and wrote their very own AI chatbot program to write the quest dialog.

I’m very glad someone else noticed this too as I thought maybe it was just me.


That’s literally what it says on every quest. But I get it. We all need a little help sometimes, so I’ll give you a hint on how to find it next time you’re out questing:

Good luck in your adventures in reading!

I read the title wrong, but fyi my chat box is now 18 font

getting older every day

:dragon: :ocean::dragon: :ocean:


Are you being deliberately obtuse?

Yes, and you prove my point exactly. Everything above your little red box is pretty much irrelevant. All this blah blah blah just to be told to talk to someone else.

So creative…

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Welcome to 2004, I guess. Who would have known time travel was so easy. :roll_eyes:

There’s a setting to change UI scale if you have a big resolution.