I’m actually dumbfounded at the stupidity of Blizzard and how they are approaching player quality of life in Season of Discovery. One recent example is the warlock challenge to get human meta form. It requires a specific spec and is pretty challenging all for a quality of life change that should have been there from the beginning. Why on earth can we just not mount up while in Meta form? Why do we have to go through this B.S. just to get something that should have been there from the start?
Another example being the world buff items. Of all the ways blizz could have implemented these items, the current form is actually the worst. You’ve basically communicated to players that you want them to be farming materials constantly (which ends up just being runecloth bandages) over and over. If you were going to implement world buff items, they should have been reusable from the start. Now we are stuck literally for hours crafting runecloth bandages! That seems to be what blizz devs want us as players to be doing.
It’s so infuriating to see these changes over and over from blizzard and takes so much fun away from the game.
To be fair the world buff things were meant to be used as “wipe protection” buffs. I think if anything maybe give them like 5-10 charges or something but even then they aren’t mandatory or a requirement, just an option to make dying feel less bad. If you don’t wanna craft some bandaids for backup buffs, then dont. getting upset over an optional, non requirement thing seems silly.