Quaking affix in mythics

I play a Monk WW and this week in mythic dungeons I was surprised to see something I think that needs to be changed: my shadows and Xuen cause a quake. That means that I may actually kill myself if the shadows and Xuen (two tigers could be active at some point too due to Azerite traits) are near me. Maybe I am wrong, but I thought that quaking was applied to the character only and not pets or shadows. Do this happen to other classes too like hunters, warlocks, mages, etc.?

I have not seen it on my felguard minion when playing on my demo lock

I can only assume this is another unintended feature/bug like the stupid robots in motherlode after third boss who’s bombs they drop bolster the robot each time

Sounds un intended
that’s one whack bug LOL
how does the code even think a pet cat should quake people