PvPers, Lets turn Benediction into THE PvP server for WpVp

Stop, both factions did it.

You think horde stayed on an alliance dominated faction?

Netherwind sends regards.

Loving benediction as horde

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So your proof is 1 server?

Ok, Heartseeker horde sends it’s regards cuz all the horde their jumped ship.

More than 1 server bud, the player base is the exact same.

More than one server? Oh please.

You listed 1 server as your proof rofl.

You truly think horde and alliance players are any different?

Like that’s the crazy part.

You’re telling me that once P2 hit Paid transfers were open, alliance fled only from one server and emptied all the others.

OK bro.

No I’m saying BOTH factions did it.

All the people on massively imabalnced servers fled, you think red or blue are different they aren’t.

I wanna see this happen. Tell us if he goes through with it.

He’s quiet.

Hasn’t hit me up yet.

pve server… sorry bud

Yep. I also love low-level BG’s on fresh servers before all the twinks take over.

I agree with your argument. But the reason you can’t recruit is because no one is going to level horde on a server where horde are heavily outnumbered and wiithout a constant inflow a new players you can’t replace the people who quit playing.

New players and rerollers will only make characters on servers that look like they have a future.

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Why are you telling me I don’t like wpvp when I leveled and played Heartseeker Horde all throughout classic vanilla?
It was open season for us few that stayed.

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Because world PVP is a joke in this version of the game

There is no ranking system the world is full of flying mounts so unless you really like world PVP enough to go just kill levelers.

That’s a fair point, but there was a good bit of it during the opening of the Dark Portal.

They need to remove the restriction limiting players on PvE servers to transfer to PvP servers. It’s not only completely irrelevant and outdated for many reasons listed here:

but it’s also ridiculous to keep that restriction on yet allow thousands and thousands of players to have had their lv 58 character boosts. Like it’s not the same game, it’s a similar experience and the first phase was also cut short, so we don’t have to pretend everything has to be the same. Even in TBC, they allowed PvE to PvP transfers 6 months prior to the WOTLK pre-patch. I say they should just remove this restriction now and let those players who, for whatever reason, mained characters on a PvE server, who want to go to a PvP server, to be allowed to go to a PvP server. It causes no harm and only supports a more enriching and lively PvP server. All the people who want to stay on PvE servers still can with no issue.

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I disagree. Wait until Isle of QQ

Tbh the server transfers are more due to the increased requirements not only for raiding but to get into them via attunements. TBC is much harder than vanilla when it comes to the requirements to engage in content.

How easy is it to find a pug for heroic SHH or ARC for example? And this is a requirement if you want to get into TK. People don’t exactly volunteer their time for free.

Want to do those new dailies coming out next week? Did you do the chain? How long till you find a group of people willing to spend their time so you can do something you want?

Stuff like that is what caused the transfers not wpvp server imbalance shenanigans.

That’s going to be a joke on pvp servers none of them are balanced.

Sorry but I don’t consider a 70/30 server balanced and I also don’t consider 6 VS 1 real pvp

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