PvP tunings 8/1

They just want to make -sure- any arms holdouts swap fury.

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I mean… are we surprised? WW kinda pumpin rn. It’s like I said a few days ago, we get tuned right away, meanwhile, Sub’s been broken since day 1 of S2 and they haven’t been touched.

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they have received at least 3 insufficient nerfs


Omg Fury and Frost buffs. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated:

If the Rog dev worked on WWs, we would have seen a 2% RSK pvp nerf

Formatting, etc. :dracthyr_love_animated:

Wait we have one of those?

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Now give Might of the Frozen Wastes a benefit for dual wielding.

I’d rather them buff arms 3xs more than to make fury viable.
Gut fury please.

is that all for patch notes or more on the way like last week?


Do I dare queue FDK in shuffle and feed every Fury War cr?

was it not you specifically citing the rogue dev’s personal life as a known reason for slow changes

maybe that was bandit

Yolo 10 char

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Not 10%.


They did the math.



Do it for me cause I’m out of country and cannot q my beloved dual wield FDK.

it was indeed the only other outlaw rogue on these forums


Devs heard everyone talking about arms low damage and mixed up the spec to buff.

Devs saw all the forum threads with titles saying Arms is now OP, so they didn’t bother checking if Arms needs more help.

Just barely survived a 900 cr WW/Enh/Arms lobby where I was full geared and they’re all in blues. I’m out.

Well he had a 50% chance of getting it right. You win some, you lose some.