PvP Tuning -- February 9

Decent changes, still looking for those DH defensive buffs. No nerfs to WW or ret damage is questionable.


no they aren’t, they’re one of 2 healers in current meta who can actually contend…

buff the inferior healers slightly, and start actually nerfing the ridiculous burst specs like ret, ww, and fire mage…

then we’ll actually see a balanced meta, and not this bs that everyone complains about in these forums every day.

no ret or wind walker changes

l m a o


wow, these are really great changes thanks yall!

soo, no warlock changes… sad T.T

So now Mages are hunters?

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At least it seems like they’re nerfing based on AWC performance. When a total of 0 Hunters are played in every match next week, maybe they’ll go back to the drawing board and think up some real buffs.



get good l m a o

The tuning changes are terrible. They actually do nothing to address the current issues with the game except maybe Holy Paladin mana and the number of combust windows a fire mage gets.

WW damage untouched.
Ret damage untouched.
Arms Warrior utility still the best in the game with incredible sustained.

The Hunter changes do nothing for the class. Taking Careful Aim would actually reduce our ability to get kills because after pressing Freeze Trap, Scatter, Double Tap, Resonating Arrow and then by the time we cast Aimed Shot our kill target is already below 70% HP from my teammate alone and now we lose out on Explosive Shot.

We are not going to be taking this talent, what the Hunter class needed was the 10% PvP Aimed Shot nerf reverted that wasn’t called for before the season even launched. Hell, they should also be reverting the 5% Aimed Shot and Arcane shot nerf the class got in PvE which as you can tell we’re already getting massively outscaled in all tiers of content.


Still doesn’t address the fact that we get blown up in a stun.


oh shewt it’s drip with his 39.9k hp WW in skrims playing against a 23k sham and 32k warlock

nice dps!

I got 40k hp. wrong.

nice to see blizz doing frequent tuning.

A bit too slow on the big outliers like hpal, hitting their mana is good but the main reason they had high mana was that they dont use mana to heal so that change wont hit them very hard…
hpal needs its throughput hit hard so they actualy have to heal. Then they will start getting countered more, ooming more, etc.

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yes hello see you in december when rets are tuned

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u mean like every other class?

ngl, really wish they would remove the ult sac talent its soooo toxic and give pallys x2 sac back.

Would still be 10 times healthier gameplay for everyone.

In terms of Mistweaver buffs? Its nice but dont really address the crux issues of the spec.

ww blows up other classes in their stun too XD ?

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ret paladins are still going to 1 shot people
fire mages are still going to 1 shot people
ww still op
no other classes that are inferior are being addressed with any serious changes at all…

this tuning is a joke. It feels like they are literally just making this bs up to try and appease people by making “frequent changes”, even though they’re pointless…

still unsubscribed til they address the 1 shotting.

No reason a player with 25% versatility or more in full epics should get globaled by any class, ever. That alone is absurd and if they just address that the game would be actually playable and enjoyable. Game is definitely not worth $15/mo if you pvp or do arenas.


20% mana regen really gonna fix MW, can’t wait to not use cocoon talent in pvp still since I need refreshing breeze for healing output.