PvP Tuning -- April 26

They should of never removed the fast cast holy light and just increased the cd. Very clunky nowadays.

Id say better than, i mean greater fade is a 45 sec cd pesudo bubble, holy ward is a 45 sec cd, whereas bops are 5min cd and regularly purged by hunters and demon hunters in 1 global (and only effective aginst like 20% of classes to varying degrees) andddddd bubble even has counterplay. Gfade does not. Then theres ray of hope too lolol

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“Do you guys not have pillar?”


and the removal of this trash?

Incarnation: Guardian of Ursoc ??

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Most of this was good, but when you see nerfs to prot warriors before frost mage/warlock/hunter, it’s really hard to get excited about anything that’s coming up, or this game right now.


Honestly, the whole Holy Power/ Mastery+LoD Legendary / Necrolord game play is clunky, lol.

Hpal is a dumpster fire.

For god’s sake, man, log onto your Warlock!

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Mmmm another “lemme log onto my alt hunter to some how justify my whining about hunters” :joy:


Why? I’ll take the nerfs for prot over anything else if I had to pick 1 of those to go live.

I am allowing the forums to save yourself from one creature.

You maybe either choose Maplesyrup, the Prot Paladin, or Covidboi, the Blood DK.

Mage the Destro Warlock is being worked on as we speak.

And if n either is chosen you guys get all three.

I’ll take it but they are missing the big picture. Prot isn’t even a problem right now. Rextroy made a video and that was that. FM/Warlock is literally every other game.

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I agree with ml/x being a HUGE problem but I’d deal with that, rmp and every other dumb thing in the game if they would prune tanks from arena.

Just really hate tanks and think they have no place in arenas. Sure, rbgs but not arenas.

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I don’t care for any of the Tier Set tank bs - but its so rare that I can deal with that. I want some comp diversity. I don’t like running for 60 seconds from frost mages every/every other game on every class.

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Can understand that.
Just ready for this xpac to be over and get into DF where I get to main a new healer.

or you could check pvp and see I main hunter lol, if you main a hunter and don’t think it’s broken that’s just being in denial.

Wow games unplayable now that you’ve made these very level headed tuning adjustments

Big agree, hpal good sure prolly A tier healer rn, but holy frick is it clunky and just unfun to play and the pve PLUS pvp mana nerfs make the other covs pretty non viable.

Oh and also how is chastise not on the same dr as stun???

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no echoing resolve nerfs and survival 4pc is still wildly overturned against other players
mw still trash overall
arms warriors still having a base kit nerf due to borrowed power
poly doesn’t have a cd for non arcane mages/fire still has access to rof

absolute insanity

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i would rather rsham be designed to demand being trained than be designed to be untrainable, at least the former opens up the peeling/counterpressure game for rsham teams. when rsham is a good healer and a bad train target they’re just rdruid that’s even harder to make mistakes w

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Hey alex, dont rating bash me as I havent made any attempts to push rating this season but I have screenshots of different hpriest healing FH 30k+ and even 2 screenshots of 42k and 44.6k FH. How is that possible? im genuinely asking. Was it modifiers being active or what. Im just wondering because you said if they didnt have 2 charges of lay on hands with a cdr then they wouldnt be able to heal anyone.

Most times I face Hpriest or watch them being played or vs’d on streams, unless the hpriest is just bad then their teams dont die unless they oom.

Yeah I don’t disagree and I’d prefer all healers have to cast. Just in the current state of the game it seems like curbstomping rshams through every defensive cd is a viable strat and I’m not sure that will change much with their buffs coming through casted heals. Seems like they’re trying to push healers back into casting though which is good, just don’t get why hpriest was exempt from this.

i read it as attempting to redress the rsham(and to lesser extent hpal) issue of having no decent healing to give a teammate getting bursted, rather than personal defense. that burst healing is what hpriest and then at a distant second rdruid have been doing way better than other healers this patch, imo