PVP TAG needs to turn off immediately when u hearthstone back to your faction's city

PVP TAG needs to turn off immediately when u hearthstone back to your faction’s city. I don’t think is fair when u got all ur buff dispelled when u are in the loading screen. It is just so stupid. I don’t mind if they can dispel you in the pvp area. But when they are just stay in the ghost form in the city to dispel people who just hearths back, and I don’t think that is pvp.


Lmao. gO bAcK tO ReTaiL.

Or do not roll on a pvp server wtf.


Most of the PVP in this game isn’t real PVP. It’s just rubbish people do to be annoying. And the people who defend it likely are the ones doing it.

Next time just go to a PVE server. Sane people tend to do so.


You are a warlock, dude, react, death coil, pad your world buffs with trash buffs like water breathing and other various trash buffs. There are counter measures.

You dont need world buffs to complete the raids in classic wow. Truly if you are not in the absolute top tier of top tier guilds on your server then getting world buffs is realistically for vanity only because not enough people in the average guild are pushing hard enough to make it truly worth while. Getting them is great, its helping everyone clear content faster but dont freak out over it if you dont have them.

The number of times I have lost my buffs due to PVP action instigated typically on my part is numerous, its my own fault and I got no one to blame for that, but really if you are on a PVP server then take it in stride because that is part of the PVP server experience.

I’m asking because I sincerely do not know…

When someone removes buffs, can they not select which ones they want removed first, or can they just choose the action and it removes whatever buff is in the order that it’s arranged? I feel I worded that funny, but I hope you know what I’m asking.

think its just random luck of the draw what they dispell

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Its random on what buffs offensive dispel can get. Both purge shaman and Dispel magic priest remove 2 at a time, the global cooldown is 1.5 sec, if you see a shaman or priest running up on you, odds are you know what they are going to do, so take action.

Some options for counter play for various classes to protect their buffs: Shadow priests can silence, mages with improved counterspell can silence or pom poly if you have presence of mind, druids can just run away, paladin can bubble and run, priests who’re not shadow can buff them selves, shadow can also do this. Warrior can charge or intercept and fear, rogue can vanish and sprint, hunter can scatter, fein and dip, warlock can coil, fear and dip out, shaman can grounding totem, frost shock, ghost wolf and run.

Its not like we are helpless on any class, there are things you can do, yeah its annoying when some turd is just trolling but odds are if the guy pops up at low health like that he’s gonna get globaled by heavy breathing enraged warriors in just a moments notice so if you can cover your rear for even 5 seconds odds are you will be able to deal with such a guy.

As for out in the wild, players who go it solo are just asking for it, if you stay with your raid group and your raid group moves as a team all 40 players, then even a small team of world pvp players looking to enrage you will get vaporized, and if the raiders have half a brain they will CC them almost instantly and they will be dead before they could even really react.

The reality is, its not actually a big deal and there are things players on pvp realms can do to handle it rightly.


Thanks! :smiley:

Thanks! :grinning:

It’s random.

You can literally protect your world buffs by buying a bunch of cheap scrolls on the AH and walk around padded with dummy buffs so they can’t touch your dmt+sf.

But sadly players don’t want to come up with their own solutions, they want blizzard intervention before they even bother to see if their is a local solution.


It’s easy for u to say. They are in the ghost from all the time. And they start dispelling u when u are in the loading screen, you cant do anything when u are in the loading screen, and sometimes you don’t even know where they are.

No it does not. Don’t play on a PvP server.

Fortunately for everyone that plays Classic it is not Khlauses job to determine how anyone enjoys their time in game, because he would have everyone been mediocre and have 3 hour BWL clears across the board.

How do you have any idea what kind of guild the OP is in? Maybe the OP is in one of these “absolute top tier guilds?”

You’re an idiot.

The OP said cross faction priest and shaman are hanging out dead in his capital city INNs and when someone hearths to the city the cross faction players resurrect and instantly dispel them. There is no defense to an instant cast offensive spell when it’s done in this way. You can’t fear them or silence them or sprint away or vanish or anything else. Because one second they’re dead, and the next second you’ve already been hit with a dispel and another dispel is coming after 1 global cooldown.

Yes you can try to stack random trash buffs, but it’s far from a guaranteed win. PvP is PvP, and there are PvP solutions to griefers trying to dispel your world buffs, but absolutely NONE of them are foolproof.

World buffs should be non-dispellable. It doesn’t matter if the content is easy, or if your guild is world #1, or if your guild is ranked #20 on your own server. Griefers that sit around dispelling world buffs all day are griefing, and there is absolutely zero defense to the kind of griefing the OP described.

When there’s no fair legitimate way to work around something it should be changed. The same way getting MC’d out of WSG and AB was fixed. The same way getting honor farmed at an AV GY was fixed. The same way ridiculous wall jumping in WSG was fixed. The way way safespotting in Tanaris was fixed. The same way bots and multiboxers having a monopoly on the black lotus market was fixed. Yes there are indeed work arounds to all those issues, but none of them work well, none of them were foolproof, and all were fixed by blizzard. Hopefully soon world buff dispelling will be fixed too.

Just go to a pve server.

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Too bad so sad.

The OP is posting on their main, allowing people to look up their character / guild if they so choose.

To the OP, have you tried taking a portal to Darnassus and waiting out your pvp flag there? Horde dispellers don’t seem to lurk in that city very often. (We’re on the same server)

You signed up for the ‘anything can happen, anywhere, anytime’ crap when you went on a PvP server.

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So you’re mad that you lost free stuff in a game where the only “risk” is a few silver in repairs and a couple of minutes running around as ghost?

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PVP happened on a PVP server. No changes. Git gud. Go to a PVE server. Go to Retail.

I think that covers everything.