PVP Server Players

Not on my server. For incursions specifically, horde was very passive, but once a majority of alliance players hit 50 and realized BM honor tokens are 4x the price, rather than do BGs, they went to lvl 40 incursions to spam farm the vendor/portal for honor. Eventually horde started some raids to fight back. Again tho, that’s just on my server (Living Flame) In the end it’s just oversight for Blizzard, which tends to happen when they playtest literally nothing lmao.

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Camping incursions and regular quests is one thing, but what about camping rune quests to prevent others from getting their runes?

Servers were never meant to be this size I think, back in 2004 - 2005, the max pop on these servers would be maybe 3k and because no one knew how to level or what to do, you were spread out. If pvp happened back then it normally was a 1v1 or maybe 2v1 most times.

Now we have MEGA-servers, the world isn’t big enough to have 20k+ (that is some servers singular faction.) running around in less room, with layering. Why layering? cause if your on the layer with 80% opposing faction, which is going to happen at some point, your posterior is getting jumped, something about seeing red in a sea of green always causes someone be it horde or alliance to attack which causes a chain reaction of every other person to attack.

TL:DR People have always complained about PvP happneing on PvP, but its happening way more now cause more poeple.


Why are horde fanboys always so cringe?

Lol ok sure. You do know that this greifing goes both way right? If you only play ally then yeah you will only see horde ganking and vice versa, you ally have plenty of morons who think they are good at pvp for ganking someone 5 levels lower than them while the lowbie is busy with 5 mobs. But oh no the horde are man children :rofl:. Lol both side have the fair share of children.
Ive played both factions and what ive learned is that sh1t people will be there no matter what side you are on.


I imagine all of the QQ would go away if there wasn’t a random 4 hour cooldown on picking darkmoon buff up

You can enjoy and love PvP and absolutely hate that cooldown because it just encourages griefing and until it’s gone the QQ threads will keep happening (both sides do it).

Its not even REAL pvp servers.

Its just classic era server balance inside one server composed of many mini layer worlds that self segregate themselves to avoid the other faction.

Tell me why last night we had to layer hop and find the alliance that all escape to their safe space, and we completely demolished them with a big raid. But my god was there a lot of them. And each layer has their own either 99% horde or 99% ally. Force balance layers and maybe we can call these pvp. Until then its just essentially warmode disable due to layers acting like warmode.

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nothings wrong with being killed or fighting someone but when EVERYONE is mashed together and just trying to level up then some dip starts bombing other neutral players especially those that are lower. Its not fun plain and simple

low iq behavior. game format has been out for 20 years and they still click “pvp server” despite knowing that it means you can get killed out of faction territory.

I don’t understand it but it’s pretty low iq behavior.

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Rolled on a minigame server, then got mad at the minigame. I hope being able to simp to their favourite streamers was worth it

Found the casual dad

Source: Trust me bro

The pvp itself isn’t the issue it’s the fact that it’s 50 vs 1 because imbalanced servers.

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Imbalanced layers*

I’m crying cuz of lack of pvp on my faction

They rather cry to get off a layer then pvp

Like I said as soon as we come with equal numbers

Alliance scatters and run like the sheep they are

You act like horde doesn’t do it too, y’all have locked incursions for awhile on lone wolf so I’m glad you’re all being locked from content you rolled bis races and classes you deserve nothing less

Why in the world would you join a pvp server for this. You can BG on PvE servers… Ya’ll have no shame.

Only alliance.

I’m always chill with horde especially while fishing had a few I’ve sat with at the beach and just enjoyed the scenes for a second

Sounds like you need a snickers.

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