Last Chance for The War Within Season 1 Achievements and Rewards

Last Chance for The War Within Season 1 Achievements and Rewards

The War Within Season 1 wraps up with the release of the Undermine(d) content update. If you’re a completionist, then this handy list of all the things that will become unavailable or change with the release of The War Within Season 2 on March 4 is for you!

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This is very confusing.

Are you saying the Mechsuit will always be a Mythic difficulty drop and can also drop in M+ when it’s on the M+ rotation, or are you saying that it can only drop on Mythic difficulty if the dungeon is also in the M+ rotation?


Sounds like it’s the latter.

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All the pvp rewards we can do up until March 4th? Am I understanding that correctly?

It will drop in Mythic and M+ for as long as the dungeon is in the current season’s rotation. SV is not in S2 so we won’t be able to farm for it until the expansion ends, or they decide to do SV again for S3.

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If so, that’s silly IMO. The wording is just a little…convoluted and slightly contradictory with the use of “continue” followed by the whole M+ bit.

Anyway, another point of feedback I want to present is this:

-This list should be made available at the start of a season, not at the end.

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S1 for me has been a blast, got my Zek kills out the way along with my other achievements for delves.

Bring on season 2. :partying_face:


Or next expansion when it’s always available.

Yes, indeed.

I missed that middle part, oops.

I’m confused about this part, is it just poorly worded? Currently you can use any earned teleports at any time.

This makes it sound like we can only teleport to current season M+ dungeons.


I was wondering about that when I read it as well. I’m gonna be pretty bummed if I can’t use my Dawnbreaker portal after the season ends to quickly get down to Hallowfall.

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Players must be level 80 and complete the Khaz Algar Leveling campaign:

Will this be per character, or account-wide if one character has completed this?

Edit: I ask this because of the option that exists for alts to skip the leveling campaign.


Do we need to use all of our crests, Valorstones, and catalyst charges for Season 1 before Season 2 begins?


Second this. A official list of currencies getting reset would be nice.


assume the answer is yes. better than finding out the hard way.

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Worded that way because it will come back Season 3 I assume.

The intern writing these articles doesn’t play the game either.


basically this

Guess I gotta do ?? this weekend and get it over with.

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He plays WoW Employee Edition, its way better.