Feedback: Sprocketmonger Locknstock (Heroic)

Testing for Sprocketmonger Locknstock (Heroic) begins today at 11:00 PT (14:00 ET, 20:00 CET).

Please use this thread for feedback and bug reports regarding this encounter or related issues. Noting the nature of your group (Mythic guild premade, PUG, etc.) is helpful, as are any logs. Thank you to everyone who has come out to help test!

Boss is fun overall. Probably the best designed out of the three we’ve tested, and the only one remotely killable with the ilvl you nerfed us to (seriously? We’re lower ilvl than on live)

One of my main concerns is that the map looks like we have 4 bosses to choose from after Vexie. I feel like having some bosses harder than others railroads us a little too much… but hey, your game, your rules.

Good boss. Only points of feedback are:

  1. Some of the void beam positions were super easy to handle and some were incredibly difficult. There was one where the only two safe spots were at total opposite sides of the room, so if the boss was being tanked towards the middle, it was very difficult to get to the safe spot.
  2. The rockets were kinda hard to see with everything else going on.

Pretty weird.

Nothing seems to really do anything except the oneshots so the different mechanics are just being spammed creating unreasonable screen clutter. If you make it a repeating fight with phases, it would play better if after every intermission the boss would just swap toolkit towards something more deadly than before.

Conveyor belt felt stupid, you can run on the side of it seemingly intentionally (because its plated on the sides) but the traps move in the literal middle but it would feel more stupid if the trigger reached the sides

It does. After 1st intermission, those puny flamethrowers triple in width and fire void fire instead. I hear you though, it could be more interesting. He felt like he would die on Heroic by the second intermission, which kinda makes Mythic the only time we see the boss in action.

Ye but i more meant it like theres no reason to have 5 things going on at once. Weapons could be introduced gradually instead of literally almost everything happening from start

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