PvP Reminder -- Season of Discovery July 8


As we prepare to release WoW Classic patch 1.15.3 tomorrow and open Phase 4 on Thursday, we want to remind you that any players who gained Honor via Bloodstained Commendations will need to make sure to gain at least 15 Honorable Kills against players of the opposing faction in normal PvP (i.e. Battlegrounds or World PvP, not in the Blood Moon event) during the week, in order to be eligible rank up the week that begins on July 15.

Gaining honor from Bloodstained Commendations alone is not sufficient to rank up, regardless of the amount of Honor gained in this way. To summarize, the requirements to progress past Rank 7 are:

  • Level 60
  • At least 15 HKs
  • Sufficient Honor to increase in rank

Reminder: in Phase 4, the maximum rank in PvP is Rank 10.

Please note that Bloodstained Commendations will not be purchasable with the old STV Blood Moon Coins after the patch on July 9. We recommend that you use Massacre Coins to buy any Bloodstained Commendations NOW. After the patch, they will no longer be available using that currency.

Thank you!

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Sound’s pretty sassy like a bunch of spiders on a birthday cake :smiley:

Is there still an honor cap or can you get rank 10 week 1 ?

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Could you clarify, does honor gained after this week’s reset carry through to the first reset after the launch of phase 4?

i.e. if i farm 175k honor before launch and then get to level 60 after launch without doing any more pvp, would i still rank up?

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Okay so I buy Bloodstained Commendations today, do I spend them Thursday?
Can I hold on to them until Wednesday the 17th, so that I can level the first week and grind honor the next?

You need lvl 60 to get rank 8, so only spend them if you will make 60 by Tuesday, personally I’ll be waiting till next week

Am I the only one confused by this message? Whats with all the talk of 15 hk’s? The largest amount of Bloodstained Commendations that you can have is 99. Thats 24,750 honor. That’s not even enough honor to go from Rank 3 to 4. So obviously everybody would still be getting 15 hk’s to finish ranking up. This kind of message only makes sense if there is some way to turn in more than 99 of the commendations.

That is the way that it worked from Phase 3 to 4. I used all of my commendations on Wednesday. I ranked up perfectly fine.

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Honor cap. The best you can do is rank 9 on week 1.

There were rank 11s/12s on my server at lvl 59 on my home server

Guild name was Team Turtle 2005-2006.

Is there some kinda cap for rank listed somewhere?

Phase 4 is capped at rank 10 per the patch notes thread pinned to the top of this forum.

What the hell… Why are you letting us know this now? It’s not even Phase 4 yet and you remove this shiiit? I had been waiting to buy them before Phase 4 so I didn’t waste bag space and you give a single day’s heads up about this?

You guys suck!

Who makes these decisions? Why eliminate leveling in AV? That’s a thing in classic. Now it’s a waste unless you ding 60 by tuesday. Stop with the retail like pigeon holilng theme park ride stuff please. When you guys pull a lever, you don’t seem aware of the dynamics it changes.