PvP Rank Pools Hotfix Coming October 13

imagine being this sweaty about ranking now that AQ is out

for some of us, its a chance to reach a goal that wasn’t obtainable 15 years ago. now with this change, and with living a normal lifestyle its not possible to do so anymore


Exactly. Or in my case I’m ranking an alt right now, not my main PvE raiding character and the gear is actually great for an alt who I don’t feel like raiding with.

And again, most importantly, this change benefits no segment of the player base. So why make it? That should be a the first question asked before making any change is how does this improve the game for the player. In this case it fails that evaluation 100%, so don’t make the change…

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thanks for the info

I am totally speechless.
GG Blizzard.
Game over.


This is a heartless move. padding suppose to ease the already broken system that still requires you to play 12/day for months even after padding. now without padding, it will create havoc and we all know that pvp’er are your hardcore player. Some will grind non-stop. others will share account. is that what you want for your customer?


Why don’t you actually hotfix crap that needs it like warsong gulch glitching where people can run up the gy hill, thru fences, on top of roofs and healing huts and out of bounds… PVP gear is gonna suck now anyway with naxx coming out so I don’t see the harm of people that want to rank up get gear without playing 8 hrs a day.


Waiting for next week’s hotfix to prevent players from creating low level alts to use their banks, because bank alts are as much of an exploit as pool boosters.


im one of those who in their last week. my pvp team is disbanded. lot of people just stop playing and unsub


What a coincidence, happens same time as shadowlands prepatch.

Good work blizzard. You’ve managed to destroy the ranking experience for those people who have spent months and months ranking, or those who thought they might attempt to rank.

Absolutely pathetic, poorly thought out attempt to do what? Fix the community’s workaround for what you have admitted was a flawed PvP Honor system? Hot fixes are brought in as soon as a problem is noticed. Not a year down the track.

What a complete disappointment. You messed up. You messed up bad. I hope someone gets fired for this.


Whyy? One of the better and more positive community focused things this game had. Literally hurting nobody. Better fix it?


feels like this was a scrum task made a year ago but the team is so small and understaffed that they only got to it now.

Well blizzard now is far too late, and just hurts so much more


Hi everyone, I am a ex community manager, I can answer all your questions so AMA

It was a logical decision by the company to do this.

I was going to pre-order shadowlands to give it a shot, but now I realize Blizzard doesn’t deserve a single cent.


This was the final nail in the coffin. Way to ruin months of hardwork people in the community have put towards a broken system, including those ranking and being that final week away from their goals. All without any notification


This one is a long time coming

Horrible change.


Greetings friend,

We are writing to you today to express our distress and confusion around the recent hotfix to players inflating the PVP pool size to allow for fairer access to ranking for a larger number of players.

Players had co-operated for many months to allow for bracket slots to be created with the sole purpose of facilitating more players to make progress through the ranking system each week. This is now impossible due to our natural pool size. The system we used was a clever player work around of Vanilla honour system mechanics and in no way an exploit of the game to produce an unfair result for any player. This actually created a fairer system where those not account sharing could still make weekly progress. This hotfix actively encourages and rewards account sharing.

The impact of this has already decimated our thriving PVP community on Arugal with around 50% of current rankers expressing their decision to quit grinding honor. During a time of global pandemic it seems confusing to us why you would attack what was a therapeutic outlet for people who are currently socially isolated. This has already had a devastating impact on the mental health of players who were on track to acheive their ranking goals. This decision has destroyed a functioning system that addressed the irresponsible honour system devised for Vanilla and encouraged participation in a much more rewarding honour system. The current requirements to reach bracket 1 on our server after the hotfix is in excess of 20hrs/day x 7 days. Even at this unhealthy amount of gameplay only 5 or 6 of our player base would achieve bracket 1.

We would ask that this decision be reconsidered and that a base line player pool of 10,000 players be offered to our server to allow for our structured and rewarding honour system to continue. Short of this we would ask that the hotfix be removed to allow us to manage the pool size ourselves, as we have done without harm to anyone for many months. We are your players and we are asking for you to consider our needs and wellbeing in relation to this matter.

Bracket Manager Arugal PVP Discord


They dont care if you are bracket manager or bracket lord, more money will be made with padding gone, so suck it up


Blizzard responds well to their community that is super pissed about a change then says they are gonna cancel if it’s implemented, if everyone says their gonna cancel after their post blizz will change their mind and not go thru with the change cuz they want as many subscriptions as they can get. They appease multiboxers cuz they make a ton of money from them, so I’ll start, I’ll prob end up cancelling after this change. I am champion and I don’t have the time to grind any higher than that if this change is made, and pvp ranking/pvp is the only reason why I’m playing classic right now. Two I think it’s bull that you are implementing this now when so many other people got Warlord for way less effort, cuz you decided to make this change a year later… I don’t care if you meant to implement it a long time ago, doing it now where the newer players have to put 10x the effort in now compared to the players that are ex hwl’s is kind of a jerk move on your part.


As one of the Arugal players pulling these ridiculous hours right now, I cannot even begin to this this this right now.

As someone who is new to the PvP community (I started my ranking journey ~3 months ago) not only did the ranking journey become accessible to myself, but I was enjoying the new friends and bonds I started making with players outside of my guild and regular circle.

Playing the sheer amount of hours to safely secure a br1 slot is far from healthy, it is promoting the worst kind of gameplay/habits that is detrimental to anyones mental state, it’s completely deflated the PvP community as a whole. Personally, I can see it in myself already, the hours are eventually going to send any healthy person in some form of a downward spiral.

I would really rethink this decision, or even bring in a fix where the bracket limitations are increased to allow for an increased player pool, I’ll limit any other thoughts as Rejuvial really nailed it in his post.
