PvP officially dead?

We need WoW2. Not 2 more pre-planned expacs building more jenga blocks ontop a 20 year old corpse.


I get it man, you’re a big fan. I’m honestly flattered. Have we met before? Did we play some games together? I just don’t know who you are.

Blizzard let soo many good IPs go down hill, I dono if they can ever climb out of that hole. Starcraft was soo massive, a nation sport in South Korea, dead. Just one example out of many.

Only reason WoW is still alive is its the most loyal fan base in all of gaming.

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u spelled addicted wrong pal


They made stuff too hard.

Like why they had to make a M0 the same difficulty as a M10 in the past I have no idea.

Then just ruining MMR EVERY SEASON and not bothering at all to fix it. What can you expect.

Shuffle could have absolutely cooked and carried them for another 20 years like 3v3 did the previous 20 but nope no effort.

I mean, the only “ruined seasons” were SL S1/2 and dragonflight s1 where it was free glad/elite.

Not becuase of any elitist gatekeeping reason, but because of the perception that

They didn’t. It was just TOO EASY for a rare one-off season and people took that as an expectation that that should be their norm going forward.

This is why it’s so hard for blizzard to do things, though, it’s the mage tower conundrum all over again.

People say they want meaningful challenges with real rewards, but whine and demand nerfs if they don’t immediately achieve them instead of working out ways to improve.

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hard to enjoy something that has 0 effort put into balancing other than number tuning which is catered for people at around 12-1800 cr

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As a mostly solo PVPer, I find the content to be better than anything I’ve seen in any MMO.

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How do you figure? I feel like there are definitely still outliers in over and underperformers, but I think that EVERY SINGLE balance patch they’ve made has made the game better and closer to balanced since TWW launched. Also, theyve had changes every 2 weeks like clockwork.

They’re not doing kneejerk massive shifts, they’re doing small, regular, incremental tuning, which is EXACTLY what players asked for?

I agree that it’s not done and I wanna see feral/sp/rogue nerfed and stuff like arms/boomy buffed, but that doesn’t mean there’s no effort in balancing, nor is that catered around “12-1800 cr”.

pvp isnt dead, the mmr and rating system is so old and bad and outdated its just unfun now, how many more players need to complain to fix your rating system blizzard?


Cata was wow 2. Legion was wow 3. DF was wow 4.

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