PvP Issues Organized Megathread Plea for Aid to Community Council and Blizzard

You’re totally right, most players over Honor LvL 500 either abused the quest back in Legion or are running Premade Epics day in and day out farming up to like HL 1900, which in its own way you could definitely say is an on going exploit.

Plunderstorm is the new pvp now


Wish we could play our actual characters in it and use our regular abilities in conjunction with the collectible powers but it does sound like lots of fun. Thanks for dropping in Cyrios! and thanks again making that post for us, I’m curious, now that you’re off the Council are you still able to comment on it?

I was really hoping this would be an open world event or something where we could have Warmode On and do some actual Pirate PvP stuff, but on the bright side I think it might be a good medium for non PvP players to get their feet wet in low pressure competitive play and maybe draw in some new blood for real PvP. Wish they’d fix some of the issues in this post though so when the new blood shows up they don’t run away screaming XD

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Its limited time, I hope it’s fun and implemented as an actuall evergreen event. I expected something like this for holidays. We’ve a cooking impossible brawl change it to prepare love chocolate and maybe some paticles, assets changed during that event, same for the soup event…devs can mix / match existing features and improve gameplay but they dont do it. Involve different communities :man_shrugging:

Something like this would have been more appealing to me, I wish they’d do this minus the super powers then just slap a few flags on the map and send in 4 separate Pirate crews and whoever controls the flags gets the most points and wins the game. Boom New BG done. So easy, why has it been 5yrs?

Devs spent time for a FOMO PVP event when most PVP players dislike Seething Shore.

What is going on over there at BlizZard HQ???

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:


I have to agree with this. I can’t imagine the number of players at 500 are anything more than a completely negligible fraction.

I also tend to think it would be unhealthy to increase the honor level cap. It’s a built-in long term grind, but the larger the grind is made, the more the early rewards seem meaningless to people, and the “new” rewards seem unreachable to virtually everyone they’d be meant to attract.

The most likely effect of adding a bulk of new honor levels is that it just makes an existing problem (unrated BG premades) even worse, as the incentive to dominate as a premade for large-scale honor farming would get a burst of renewed interest.

If I remember right, I wouldn’t say anyone abused those WQ’s, so much as it was Blizzard’s formula for converting honor level into an account bound system having unexpected results to the playerbase. There were artifact weapon skins that came from grinding honor, and a lot of people wanted to unlock those skins on multiple classes. When Blizzard changed honor level to being account bound, those players received credit for all their characters combined. Afterwards, the value of those WQ’s to honor got severely reduced.

It worked out so that people who worked up multiple characters’ honor levels during the normal course of Legion got a very high account-wide honor level. That alone would not have been a problem, but it was paired with making honor gains relative to the honor levels much more measly with WQ’s (and arguably other sources). Most of the players who really benefited never planned it though or saw what was coming, it was just the normal method for working on those artifact skins, that got retroactively heavily rewarded with the conversion.

The long term effect was a general recognition that if you grinded honor during Legion on multiple characters (which usually incorporated doing those WQ’s routinely as a chore), you had a much smaller grind than someone who just PvP’d on a main at the time (like me), or someone who only jumped into the PvP stuff after Legion.

It was the murloc world quest, there’s videos in youtube about that exploit.

We asked BlizZard to fix these issues in PVP as presented not waste time on another Seething Shore copy pasta FOMO event.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

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This would most certainly be a downside, If they are ever to address these two issues, I hope they’ll do something about the Premades first, so as not in incentivize further abuse of the existing loophole.

Thanks for breaking down exactly what the Legion exploit was as well by the way. I did a fair deal of PvP back in Legion but I never caught wind of the exploit at the time. Operation Murloc Freedom, I still stop by there for the Songflower Wpvp buff now and then.

Been asking myself that same question! Can’t they just slap a few flags on this, have us start on boats and make it a BG XD how hard would that be??

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PvP needs so much work, Discount PvP Fortnight is not what we needed :rofl:


Competitive pvp should use the new tech developed for the new event Plunderstorm: same wow client, it’s own realms accessible from a separate tab in character selection, fixed UI, spectator mode built in, hub to be able to buy pvp gear/change tmog, and f2p (to increase participation).

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As a PVP community we need to be very vocal and let the PVE community know that


:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:


This would be an absolute dream come true, if PvP were free to play I wouldn’t feel so slighted by the fact that it’s being run into the ground. I’d of course still have suggestions but atleast I wouldn’t be paying for this.

You’re right, everyone is calling this a PvP patch, this is not even close to a PvP patch. We don’t wanna Blizzard calling it 1 and done after whatever this is. It does look kinda fun though.


LOUD NOISES! I agree this is not WoW PvP, this is WoW Fortnight and we didn’t ask for it nor should it take away from the miniscule amount of development time going into PvP.


I tried not to get my hopes up for this patch and as fun as this sounds it misses the mark for me, and I hope they aren’t considering this a PvP event, even though it is player vs player, it’s still not real WoW Pvp

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I would not be surprised if Blizz thought this was actual PvP content

I need to check it because from a casual point of view, it could be pvp content like pvp brawls…do we use our characters spells?

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Unfortunately we do not, and we are also not our actual WoW character either from what I can tell. It’s basically Pirate Torghast free for all against other players. It’s really not connected to actual wow PvP in any way at all.

Ok I just checked interviews in wowhead…sound interesting but not regular pvp :unamused:

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