PvP Issues Organized Megathread Plea for Aid to Community Council and Blizzard

For some people like me, just doing the PvP is incentive enough, but with the lack of proper tuning in the less skill demanding content like Epic Bgs, Premades, bots, and mmr issues, PvP can’t stand on it’s own merits any more and none of what is being offered is worth the trouble.

The lack of maintenance has created more reasons not get into PvP, which in turn makes the amount if incentives needed to get into it go up. We need to cut off the barriers and disincentives so that we don’t need to add a mountain of incentives.

So many of the issues like que times and carries, would be less of an issue if we could manage to scrape back some players, but with things as they are only the people who really just love doing pvp in WoW no matter what are still here.

Thank you for supporting the thread, lets hope we can get some fixing done.


Retail pvp server please


we are back baby

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On another note, I’m cautiously optimistic about the next expansion, I’m hoping as they develop this new battle ground that they announced they’re going to take a look around and go, oh the house is on fire what have we done to PvP? Then they’ll realize oh we have to buff the NPCs in the Epic BGs, wait have we seriously gone this long without buffing them? What else did we miss? I don’t think they’ll make any actually make any real changes unfortunately but this copium sure is strong.

So last night the stars aligned and a full premade-vs-full premade AV happened :game_die::astonished::game_die:

My goodness it was fun… I don’t even remember how long the match went, had to be at least 50-60 minutes, I lost track of time I was so focused on the match/in the moment

It was a fairly even back and forth, although there were some dicey moments early on where it looked like we were losing the main teamfight in mid/getting pushed back (other team seemed to be getting more kills/out-DPS’ing us)

Not only was the competition close/intense, the enemy premade fought to the bitter end - they literally turtled up in their base until they ran out of reinforcements

It was… an actual “epic battleground”, mainly because it went the distance and both teams fought hard

Plenty of action and a fairly balanced back-and-forth, it’s a shame there isn’t more matches like that…


I’m a part of a few Premade communities and sometimes que with them, they can be an unbelievable amount of fun. The truth is the demand is there, the people want to be able to make huge coordinate groups with objectives in pvp. Right now the way things are with premades queing into groups against pugs at such a high frequency, players are leaving and people are tired of getting stomped in games where the deck is stacked against them.

I came up with what I think are some solid suggestions that would preserve any and all redeemable qualities of these communities, while still eliminating the current premade issue that’s quite frankly ruining BGs for a ton of players. Let me see if I can quote it, the forums have been auto deleting all my quotes this morning.

You can find my suggestions at the very bottom of the Elimination of Premades tab, there’s a tab within that tab with suggestions

That’s actually alot of stuff. I can’t imagine overlooking something for so long at work. Someone must have at one point tried to say something, I would hope.

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I wish I could be a fly on a wall there for a week, I can’t imagine what would cause a company we shill out this much money to, to neglect so many things for so long. Not even just PVP either. Perhaps Bobbys yacht sprang a leak and he needed to re-allocate some funds.

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They are supposed to be making a new BG from my understanding. With gathering resources from what I seen briefly advertised.

As for DF BG it was mentioned before about having some type of fun aerial combat one. This was before the release of the expansion, so that seems like it never took off, but in reality it is never too late.

Anyways since the aerial combat couldn’t take flight regrettably. I also mentioned something on the ground with using a lot of the same structure they have built but to fit the bug theme. Think of a mounted bug charging… (like how the dragons charge with dragon riding) They have some of the work there complete. I don’t think it would be that hard to build upon it. More or less what I am talking about here is some form of mounted combat for PVP (aerial or even ground like I mentioned)… I think it would be fun and new to World of Warcraft.

Either way I hope the one PVP map is going alright and the expansion is coming along nicely. I did upvote a post at someone’s request, it seems there may be issues with PVP that really need to be looked into. I think it would be considered wise to not turn a blind eye to things that need to be addressed before a new expansion launch with a new PVP map. I would have to stand behind others with this. So please look into it.

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Thanks Veena, I will look around for that post you mentioned, if you happen to find it, please shoot me a link.

I like the idea you described about with the mounted combat, reminds me a little bit of the Quack Attack WPVP World Quest in Ohn’aran Plains where you ride the ducks and get the special knockback ability, seems like the bones for a system with mounted combat and special mount abilities is already in the game, would be cool to see them do something with it. At this point I’ll take prettymuch whatever I can get lol

If you get a chance to shoot over to the Community Council Forums Cyrios recently posted a thread titled The State of PvP, I’ve got his post linked in here somewhere, where he links my post here but most importantly it’s a foot in the door to see some changes. If you have time and you’re interested upvoting his post might contribute to this small and hopefully growing movement pleading for changes.

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I’ve loved this game for a long time, it really bums me out to see it being so poorly handled.

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I wonder if some high status players were to get together and literally volunteer to work on fixing the issues as part of like a brief internship if Blizz would be willing to accept the free help.

That was the thread I was speaking of.

That’s neat they started making an attempt at it. I was unaware of this WQ existing so it is news to me. Unfortunately WQs don’t get much attention and traction unless players are already playing. Even then, some people can easily miss out on certain ones. So thank you for mentioning it to me.

I was more or less talking about the dragon riding but if the WQ hits closer to the idea. I would agree it would be nice if maybe they tinker with it more and possibly build on it. It is nice to know they were trying something new, even if it was sadly, just a whimper of attention and recognition.

Oh good he tried to do something nice for us on his way out :sweat_smile:. I really appreciate him putting the effort in, even if it feels like no one cares.

The WQ is kinda dead lately now that no one needs the Hellbloom Wpvp gear anymore, but it livens up a bit when the sparks quest is up in Ohnara at the same time. It’s cool because you can use all of your regular abilities but you are also mounted.

I would sooooo prefer a more Dragon Riding oriented PvP feature. You’ll see in the World PvP quality of life improvements tab on this post I mentioned cutting the CD on the dismount in half from 30seconds down to 15. It’s such an awesome feature especially around warcrates the dog fights could be legendary if we didn’t have to shoot our shot then fly off with no vigor for 30 seconds to re-engage. If we could get a BG that starts off in the air and maybe has various bases kinda far apart so dismount actually makes a difference that would be pretty different and epic.

I’m a couple bullet points into the what caused PvP players to quit tab annnnd yup. Alot of people overlook the fact that a bunch of people who pvp do other stuff too and when the game overall suffers pvp suffers especially being on the smaller side of the player base.

The vast majority of players do casual bgs. Blizzard has already said this themselves.

Why do people like you keep parroting that pvp is a mini game or has small numbers?

There is about the same number of people queing solo shuffle as m+. and far more people doing arenas than mythic raiding.

Personally I always get a little annoyed when I heard people say PvP is a mini game since I happen to know it isn’t.
To be honest I don’t know the exact ratio of the playerbase compared to every other game mode, I don’t think anyone does outside of Blizzard. I‘m pretty confident mythic raiding is the smallest but can’t say for certain.

It’s safe to say the overall player count for WoW has been steadily declining over the years, and if Que times are any indication the pvp playerbase isn’t what it used to be. I could definitely see random bgs being on par with LFR but without any actual stats it’s kinda hard to know for sure.

This! 30sec CD for the dragon flying dismount is way too long.

so i asked chatgpt to summarize this entire thread

TLDR: 6. Community Mobilization: Some players are taking proactive steps to address PvP issues by organizing movements and rallying support within the player community. They cross-post threads across forums, encourage upvoting on relevant posts, and discuss potential strategies for effecting change.
7. Proposed Solutions: Alongside voicing concerns, players offer specific suggestions for improving PvP gameplay. These suggestions range from enhancing existing features, such as introducing new battlegrounds or revamping mounted combat mechanics, to advocating for systemic changes like better class balance and narrative coherence.
8. Lack of Developer Response: Despite community efforts to raise awareness and advocate for improvements, players express frustration at what they perceive as a lack of response or action from game developers. Some speculate on the reasons behind this perceived neglect, including resource allocation or other internal issues within the development team.
9. Reflection on Game Evolution: Players reflect on the evolution of World of Warcraft and how changes in game design, narrative direction, and player demographics have influenced the PvP experience over time. They cite examples of past expansions and updates that have had a significant impact on PvP dynamics, both positively and negatively.

These additional points highlight the depth of the discussion surrounding PvP in World of Warcraft, encompassing not only immediate concerns and proposed solutions but also broader considerations of community dynamics, developer-player interaction, and the game’s historical context. --------------

  1. Negative Player Experience: Many players feel discouraged by the toxicity and lack of learning opportunities in PvP environments. They often face criticism and hostility from teammates, hindering enjoyment and progression.
  2. Barriers to Entry: Participants note the need for numerous addons to optimize the user interface for PvP, indicating a lack of inherent functionality in the game’s UI.
  3. Persistent Issues: Despite ongoing class changes and rebalances, fundamental problems within PvP remain unaddressed. These issues include poor gear acquisition systems, convoluted power systems, and content droughts.
  4. Declining Player Base: The PvP community appears to be shrinking, with longer queue times and decreased participation. Some attribute this decline to broader issues affecting the game, such as declining overall player numbers and dissatisfaction with game content.
  5. Desire for Change: Despite these challenges, there is a collective desire among players for improvements to PvP. Suggestions include introducing new battlegrounds, enhancing existing features like mounted combat, and advocating for better class balance and narrative coherence.

Overall, the conversation reflects a passionate community seeking meaningful changes to rejuvenate and enhance the PvP experience in World of Warcraft.


I always found RBGs way more enjoyable than Arena so I wish the devs would give them more importance/focus.