PvP Issues Organized Megathread Plea for Aid to Community Council and Blizzard

I preferred that also, the nerfs to plate and buffs to cloth that they just did felt like they took a shortcut around some of the issues, still didn’t resolve everything and nearly trivialized armor all together. I’m pretty confident that Class Tuning isn’t nearly as hard as they make it look, people who actually play the game know exactly which abilities are hitting too hard, who’s over performing and who’s under performing.

If paying attention to the tuning they have done has showed us anything it’s that they don’t have even 1 designated guy to for PvP Class Tuning, looked like the mythic+ team handled the last 2 balancing last patches. Very out of touch, even despite all the feedback.

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The issue here is, they nerfed plate, but didn’t consider at all DK, which was squishy to begin with, and has no sustain in UH or Frost.

This kind of blatant disregard for individual class balance when they do sweeping changes, really ends up hurting the game BADLY. Having a ton of PvP modifiers, that are NEVER looked at over the course of an expansion, regardless of huge changes, is just lazy on the part of the devs.


Exactly, this is why I arrived at the conclusion they don’t have even 1 guy who actually plays and monitors class performance in PvP. I don’t expect they have anyone who’s actually familiar with so much as looking at spread sheets of all the classes abilities and modifiers from a PvP perspective outside of a quick skim around patch time.

If someone actually sat down and looked at these numbers it would be fairly easy to tell which classes are under and over performing, the average player that reads the talent trees and runs 10bgs and 20 arena matches can tell you.

1 of 2 things must be true - Flavor of the month is their PvP class design philosophy, or they just have the PvE class balance guys give PvP class performance a quick glance before shoveling out numbers.

Need a retail pvp server

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Wanted to link this here for any CC members interested in taking up our cause, and or any Blizzard Employees looking for notes on how to fix this colossal mess.


I’ll join you on linking related posts, this is another post from the CC Forums addressing MMR issues which your post is also calling for adjustments too.

So far all we’ve seen Blizzard willing to touch is Class Tuning (poorly executed), MMR adjustments (they did a lack luster job adjusting them after we begged them to fixed it), and adjustments to Solo shuffle healers rewards and a couple other minor adjustments.

PvP needs more than that.

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Solid link, saw it right after he posted it. Glad that Efxsp raised the flag about that in the CC Forums even if Blizz is wearing double eye patches every time they look at them. He’s one of 2 people on the CC actually willing to post about PvP issues, no idea where the rest of the PvP reps are, might not be any.


I love the formatting in this thread, I didn’t know that


Had a nice-looking new format!

Very good post!

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Hey Rita! Thanks! I saw another post use them and I was determined to figure out how to do it, thankfully it was pretty simple. I’m surprised more people don’t use them. Only downside is I think lots of people don’t actually open them and instead just skim over the titles.


Good luck getting them to listen, like Vermax said, if you’re going to make a post, I would definitely recommend going with a kinda clickbait title or something to bring people together. You see it all the time a post like this one gets almost no traction when another post titled “Bgs are dead” gets twice as much action. You’d need to find a way to coax in the PvE players and get help from the rest of the CC Pve, and PvP alike, because if you only get like 5 comments on the post it’ll be buried under all the other stuff in a week. Maybe link a few posts like this one, and some of the other posts on the CC forum to point out how neglected these issues have been for years. Good luck Lunule! You’re probably our only hope!


Blizzard!! Let my PvPeople go!!!


You have my support.

We need new bg’s and more features for pvp.

But also i always support things to be more for fair sport, if you have people taking advantage of a bug to make pvp unfair, then it needs to be fixed immediately.

The bot issue 100% needs to be fixed. Even without premades, having bots in the game very quickly makes the game ferl bad and more of a contest on who has the least amount of bots on their side. It kills the competitiveness of the PuG BG and reduces moral/fun of it.


Thank you for your support! It’s become evident that after 6years of hard neglect PvP changes won’t be given, they need to be taken and it’ll take all of us working together to be heard to make that a reality. Any chance you get to drop by and comment to keep this post alive would be most appreciated.

You can still earn wins in PvP but as long as there are exploits like carry groups, bots, premades, and bugs the merit is gone. As long as basic maintenance needs are ignored and innovation is stagnant we’ll never see PvP become what it could be.


What bothers me is that with bots, even a normal person can see it baised on it’s behavior.

If they did anything, they could very easily research the obvious behaviors of bots and shadow ban them from BG’s until a resolution can be made to solve it.

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It would be less of an issue and less magnified as it is now if they never touched the PVP system and never touched PVP armor for only to be used for mogging but no.
They bent over for the mog nerds and destroyed the entire PVP system all for fashion.

Sorry can you elaborate on this? I read comments above yours but can’t see what you mean in context.

Sounded like I want to out gear the enemy players deal.


PVP matters too!

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

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[quote=“Voxheart-moon-guard, post:213, topic:1803888”]
Sorry can you elaborate on this? I read comments above yours but can’t see what you mean in context.

PVP has been bad ever since they disabled PVP armor for low level players and is only usable for max level players. THE ENTIRE PVP system is messed up and not just at MAX level

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Oh I wasn’t aware of this - I thought that gear from previous expansions is still purchasable and usable in battlegrounds? Can you elaborate.