PVP Is absolutely unplayable right now

Technically less than 3 weeks if you wanna be precise.

I’m not 100% what’s going on. I queued for 1 BG, and people were saying something like, “Blah blah tricks… does that stack?” “Nah, it’s a bug,” etc. I only got like 7 honor for a loss, so decided it’s not really worth even trying to gear up for arena skirmishes, and to just go get some practice in…

but I couldn’t figure out how to queue for skirms. I think that also might be a bug.

Logged off for now. Will maybe log back in if it seems like there’s something to do that isn’t just frustrating.


This isn’t the issue. The problem is resil is bugged and not working at all.


inputs the day hour minute and seconds IF you wanna be precise :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok fine you win!

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Note if that is indeed true, you need to post a bug report about it, because i dont see it on the “known list”:

Try posting it in the bug report subforum if you haven’t already.

I can confirm that resilience is 100% not working and has been actively reported in many ways on the open beta. I myself was one of them.


Already done but pvp is low priority for blizz…unless it makes you level too fast then it’s priority number 1.


This has to be the best post of the day. I should of been leveling my alts.

I saw that… for a second there it looked like blizz was going to patch some important PvP bug… but then we learned the “emergency hotfix” was simply a nerf to Battleground leveling experience lol. That did crack me up.


Would be a super easy fix for them to just reimplement resil. But I get it, small indie company.

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These people have never been through a prepatch of an incoming expac… Jeez, we gotta keep repeating ourselves, and it’s exhausting.

Ironic, we have to keep repeating to people like you that resil is BUGGED and NOT working.


That’s like saying critical strike doesn’t work at 80 and should only work at 85. Makes literally no sense.


Strike that… Reverse it.
You can have the same #of crit at 85 and have way less crit chance%, you gonna complain at 85 that you had 500 crit rating at 80 and your crit chance was WAY higher, something must be wrong?
Make it make sense.

Fun detected, Fun eliminated.

My resilence is my character stats windows says it reduces dmg by 66.4% from players, it’s doing 0%. It’s clearly a bug and your just being disingenuous. Probably got ganked in pvp once and then held a grudge for 20 years.


I have a strange feeling my death strikes won’t crit you for 35k like they currently are NPCs. Almost as iff… Resilience.