PvP gearing is bad and not fun (HELP)

485 is only select pieces at the very end from the last 2 bosses in mythic.
Its 475 from the rest of the mythic raid and azerite gear is capped at 475 as well.
So they wont be decked out in full 485

And this thread never stopped being relevant

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Oh World of Warcraft
how far you’ve fallen. Sad to watch honestly
not sure how the dev team can feel okay putting out this garbage.


Ohh, think I can hop into regular BGs and build a set w/ my current gear? Hah! Better off to wait til shadowlands and see if a vendor appears

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One week too low

Where are you Christmas?

Edit: holy cow it’s been two years since ven made this post. Anyone working for acti-blizz should not be allowed to call them self game designers. I have a new title for you all. Spineless cowards who do what their finance-minded bosses tell them out of fear of losing their job.


I am almost surprised they haven’t locked the post yet, but I guess if they did people would riot

I feel like them not locking it just shows how non-threatened they feel by any PvP complaints. Like they couldn’t care less that thousands of players complain for years about something while they completely ignore it.


Actually, the reason they haven’t locked this thread is because there’s no one to lock it. :rofl: :rofl: :innocent:


“Posts that didn’t age well”


Thread that deserves to be bumped as it still hasn’t been addressed properly.

I have been playing exclusively with 3 guildies this exp who all had 0 arena exp before playing w/me and there are some common complaints about the gearing system from them - the eyes of people who are interested in Arena but have struggled to get into it.

PVP is huuuuugely unrewarding gear-wise. Rated PVP is more challenging than M+, and yet your prospects for a reward are hugely uncertain in comparison. You might get something good, but more than likely you’ll get something useless, low ilvl, or just a stupid box of fish that fills up your bags. And this is only when you win. New people who are likely to lose at least half their games playing against ppl who’ve been playing for the last 10 years.

They get so down on themselves before they ever fill up their conquest bar and when they do, they are rewarded with crap. Not a great experience, the only reason they continue is pure competitive spirit or because someone keeps encouraging them (me in this case).

The iteration in PVP gearing BFA made did not fix the problem, partially because BFA introduced a whole bunch of other variables that made gearing horrible in every form of content. The cycle time on this issue is unbelievable - we’re talking multiple expansions before something is addressed, as opposed to a couple sprints in whatever terms your development (waterfall) flows.


If Shadowlands PvP gearing system doesn’t include vendors, just stop right now, and throw it in the trash.

Anything less than vendors at this point is unacceptable.


I have seen them lock several threads this last week. Like one recently was the dual boxing hunter necroing a thread from 11 months ago

2019 still no changes


2020 now still no changes


These AZ traits making pvp wonky blizz.

Happy 2020 Everyone!!!

Will this be the year of PvP vendors?

Why hasnt the house decided to impeach Activision? Surely no PvP vendors is an impeachable offense.


Can I get an F in the chat for Yythisens?


R.i.p mr yak friend, hope life outside this sh*t blizzard is treating you well

reminder that this thread was december of 2017 and we are in 2020.