So making mages even more OP then they are already and nerfing the wrong lock spec… like come on seriously.
My dear, old friend, look how far you have fallen. Please, rise back up.
Gratuitous Blizzcon Bump
This last part
I just get this feeling
I don’t think they care what we think.
That last quote explains why he was let go. He cared too much about PvP.
I would just like to remind everyone here of Ythisens’s great work in this community, and how he was one of the Blizzard employees laid off this year despite the company’s record numbers.
Now Blizzard has stolen your donations which were meant to support this year’s arena tournament.
PVP Gearing Still sucks.
PvP vendors…
Also who donates when the quality of the game is bad. Appreciate the players but hate the game.
So far no mention of PvP vendors of any kind…
How will PVP gearing work in patch 8.3 with corrupt forged gear and no more warforged/titanforged?
Vendor time? Yes please!
they have a deep dive panel tomorrow
they also have already admitted gearing is horrid right now so while i don’t know that vendors will 100% be revealed i have some hope there will be a better system in place at least than what we have now
Just watched the Q&A, not one question about PvP gearing, or any vendors in general. Very sad.
I find it hard to believe that people line up to ask questions and no one cared about PvP vendors and more people care about making your character a foot taller. Screeners obviously won.
Class unpruning is huge, with that box checked, the single deciding factor to play 9.0 for me is PvP gearing.
seemed like they had cards to read off of, dunno if it was to remember their own questions or what lol
i heard someone yell pvp vendors, not the first time this blizzcon ive heard them yell it. hopefully they provide answers on this in the future
2 years later, the premise of this thread is painfully and still will be true in the upcoming expansion.
Please just bring back vendors already. You have tried 2 different versions of PvP gearing these past 2 expansions and they have both failed miserably.
Bumping for pvp vendors
According to MMO Champion in a developer interview, they are still deciding on changes to the PvP Honor system and rewards.
How is it, years later, this is still a debate?
PvP vendors or no sub. I know I’m not the only one. Class redesign is great, and I am excited to get abilities back and actually be a class again. Yet they have gone so far down the rabbit hole from Legion to BFA, that its no longer enough. I need PvP vendors for me to make a return.
They probably also used the cards to make sure they didn’t have two (or more) people asking the same question.
And to screen to make sure that no one was asking about PvP Vendors.
Pretty sure I heard someone asking about PvP vendors during the entire Q&A.
No. It was the only reason i watched the Q&A from start to finish. What you might have heard was someone yelling in the background, that did happen. But no one asked them directly which did not obligate them to answer about PvP vendors.