PvP gearing is bad and not fun (HELP)

Insert name of Deity in turn here “__________ man!, i wish the would listen to our PVP community.”


That guy was a pretty cool CM

Bump 10 chars.


What a time to be alive


How long can this go on - How long can this go on?
2 / 3

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36 1/7 At least.

Just imagine, about a year and a half later we still have the same trash rng loot system. Why would they take out templates and keep this stupid system…


In regards to this part, I agree with your point that people go where you reward them. But they way people feel rewarded in PvP and PvE is different in my opinion.

PvE players kill bosses for gear and the gear and progression is part of the reward, in PvP you need the gear to be able to participate fairly in the content, the reward has always been the end of season titles, tabards, mounts, and 2.2k gear.

With blizzard essentially structuring the gear system as a reward for participating in content for PvP it has made the content especially frustrating to do without having gear in the 1st place. Which leads to people just not doing it at all until they have done enough PvE to have enough gear to do arenas on equal footing to other players.

Gear should not be the reward for doing arenas, the gear should only be a tool that allows you to participate on an even playing field with the other players to allow for skill and ability to be the main things that set players apart.


I disagree, if you take the acquisition of gear that you get from arenas you will essentially see a sharp decrease in arena popularity. Which is basically what you’re seeing this expansion.

They removed pvp power and resilience. Which is fine, but the fact that there are 2 tiers of gear (heroic and mythic raids) above anyone less than a 2.2k rating is the problem.

99% of arena players never make it past rival. This poses a huge problem. It is a lot easier to get heroic raid gear then it is to make it to 2.2k, not to mention WAY easier than to make it to 2.2k with gear that’s 15 ilvls below your opponents.


Honestly I’m surprised this thread wasn’t just deleted. It may as well have been with all the developer interaction we get.


Yea if they want to make PvP esports a thing which is kinda indicated by the shop purchases) they should invest in a high level PvP Dev team.

This teams passion and play should revolve around PvP. Right now we have pvers in charge of absolutely everything and it’s showing.


Posted this 1 1/2 years ago lol. My how time flies. Glad to see I was 100% correct in my prediction though.


Hey hi how ya doin

What have you guys cooked up for belittling the Alliance this Blizzcon?

Im good thanks for asking!

Devs are dweebs

It is goodn’t and funn’t

I would like to get my honor gear after spamming BGS , to be able to arena and get my sets BIS for PVP. That would be awesome.


honestly, even if they made us do warfronts to get our badges or whatever for the gear to get entry level pvp gear, it would be better than what we have now…

I don´t understand why Blizz “Fixes” unbroken thinks just to break them.

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